Search results

  1. Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

    Gwynbleidd - Geographically Dislocated

    By Sam Brokenshaw Gwynbleidd are a heady mixture of folk and metal influences hailing from parts unknown, wait... New York. Fans of Primordial, Opeth and so on would do well to take notice! Introduce yourself to the Ultimate Metal masses! Could you tell us who does what for Gwynbleidd...
  2. Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

    Urkraft - The Inhuman Aberration

    Urkraft - The Inhuman Aberration Earache- MOSH 328 - 20/06/06 By Sam Brokenshaw Urkraft are notable as a band that really worked hard to perfect what they were about before getting signed, having released an absolute bucket-load of demos previous to signing with Earache. Consider the...
  3. Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

    Grave - As Rapture Comes

    Grave - As Rapture Comes Century Media- CD 77611-2- 24/07/06 By Sam Brokenshaw Now this is death metal done the way it was always intended, with a good dose of morbid, dank decay along with the usual scything guitars and pounding drums. Similarly to their countrymen Insision, Grave...
  4. Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

    Enochian Crescent - Black Church

    Enochian Crescent - Black Church Woodcut Records- 6-419959-424524 - 20/03/06 By Sam Brokenshaw I first heard Enochian Crescent many, many moons ago as a juvenile criminal on Napster. Back then I can remember them being vaguely ridiculous, but altogether very entertaining. Fast forward to this...
  5. Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

    Ensoph - Project X-Katon

    Ensoph - Project X-Katon Cruz Del Sur Music – 27/02/06 By Sam Brokenshaw If anyone knows why it is exactly, that Ensoph call themselves "Avant Garde", then please, enlighten me. They come across to me as some bastardisation of Marilyn Manson and a few other things, and to me, this is...
  6. Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

    Keep of Kalessin - Armada

    Keep of Kalessin - Armada Candlelight Records USA - POSH070 - 2006 By Sam Brokenshaw Reclaim was definitely one of the more impressive black metal CDs I heard in 2004. Other than being generally excellent, it showcased a far more experimental sentiment than is often present in the genre. It...
  7. Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

    The Ocean - Aeolian

    The Ocean - Aeolian Metal Blade - 07/03/06 By Sam Brokenshaw The Ocean burst onto the scene with Fluxion, following on from the previous album Fogdiver. Fluxion impressed by fusing the Neurosis ethic with a much wider sphere of influences. The material ranging from the crushingly heavy, to...
  8. Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

    Gojira - The Link Alive DVD

    Gojira - The Link Alive DVD Listenable - POSH070 By Sam Brokenshaw Gojira's debut DVD The Link Alive, is a pretty good example of what a band can do to make a DVD worth buying and watching. The production values are pretty decent in all respects, with the sound and picture being well defined...
  9. Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

    Voivod - Katorz

    Voivod - Katorz Nuclear Blast - NB-1654-2 - 28/07/06 By Sam Brokenshaw Voivod come roaring back with their fourteenth effort (Katorz...natch!), with the memory of their tragic loss barely fading in the minds of everyone that cares to remember. From the first few chords one can see how...
  10. Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

    General Surgery - Left Hand Pathology

    General Surgery - Left Hand Pathology Listenable - POSH082 - 28/03/06 By Sam Brokenshaw Usually, I'd be the first to get on a bands back for generally (haw haw) being a gigantic rip-off of someone other than themselves. However, with General Surgery the case is a little different. The band...
  11. Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

    Enslaved - RUUN

    Enslaved - RUUN Candelight Records USA – CDL274 – 02/05/06 By Sam Brokenshaw Enslaved are one of those few bands who can seemingly do no wrong, or at least, do no wrong for me. Their entire discography appeals on one level or another; be it the proto-progressive, cold black metal they...
  12. Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

    Zyklon - Disintegrate

    Zyklon - Disintegrate Candelight Records USA – CDL160– 16/05/06 By Sam Brokenshaw When Zyklon released Aeon, back in 2003, many wondered what happened to the pace. The debut from the high-pedigree Norwegians was a rather blistering affair, never really giving any respite between...
  13. Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

    Mint POD 2.0 for Sale Take a look!
  14. Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

    Impaled Nazarene - Pro Patria Finlandia

    Impaled Nazarene - Pro Patria Finlandia Osmose Productions – OPCD178 – 03/01/06 By Sam Brokenshaw Despite hearing many a good thing about Impaled Nazarene, I've never really managed to dig them quite as much as certain people seen to. Certainly they're a competent enough band, with their own...
  15. Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

    Yyrkoon- Unhealthy Opera

    Yyrkoon- Unhealthy Opera Osmose Productions – OPCD177 – 01/03/06 By Sam Brokenshaw Yyrkoon first came to my attention, as with so many others, with their '04 album Occult Medicine. To be frank, it grabbed me by the balls and refused to let go until I assured it that children...
  16. Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

    Abandoned- Thrash Notes

    Abandoned- Thrash Notes Dockyard 1 - DY100170 – 20/02/06 By Sam Brokenshaw Don't get me wrong here, Abandoned rock pretty damned hard and this album is also pretty well produced. Fans of thrash and that S band* will probably be in complete rapture to these guys and fair enough, but for me...
  17. Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

    Exhumed/Ingrowing - Split

    Exhumed/Ingrowing - Split Obscene Productions – OBP070 – 00/03/06 By Sam Brokenshaw A split EP will always be a tale of two halves, the latest from Exhumed/Ingrowing being no exception. Bonus points must be awarded for the medium in which this EP is presented, a mini-cd! Mini-grind! OK, now...
  18. Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

    Amoral - Decrowning

    Amoral - Decrowning Candlelight Records USA – CDL293 – 21/03/06 By Sam Brokenshaw Amoral play a blend of energetic thrash and flawless technical death metal, that can likely be appreciated by a lot more people than it so far has been. By all accounts the band are rather storming...
  19. Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral

    Dark Fortress - Séance

    Dark Fortress - Séance Century Media Records – 30/01/06 By Sam Brokenshaw Wow, this band sure must be good! Just check that press release! Hype sure makes me want to like a band, thanks for stuffing it so full of comments making this band out to be the all new "saviours of black...