Search results

  1. CharIie

    Guitar Tech Support - Replacing Volume and Tone with On/Off and Kill switch

    Hi, Just wondering if you have any guitar techs on the forum, or anyone with the skills/knowledge to help me out. I just came across an article of someone saying they replaced the volume and tone knobs on their guitar by a on/off button and a kill switch. They justify this choice as being...
  2. CharIie

    Alexi Laiho Amplitude Presets

    Hi there, fellow axe-men, I was wondering whether anyone here is using Amplitube 4 or 5 and has tried to emulate the WildChild's sound yet? I used to really be into that sort of thing and I pretty much nailed the Are You Dead Yet? era sound back in the days, but I have intalled/uninstalled...
  3. CharIie

    Unrelated music thread - Cardiacs

    Morning everyone (or evening depending on where you're from)! I know this isn't quite Children of Bodom related, but I simply cannot NOT do a post about Cardiacs. I first came across this band a few years back as a friend made me listen to the song Tarred and Fathered. At first, this was...
  4. CharIie

    Guitar's volume knob problem

    Hi fellow guitar players, I wondered whether one of you might have the answer I'm looking for. My main axe at the moment is an ESP Horizon FR that has been mounted with Seymour Duncan Black Winter pickup by it's previous owner. Being really (and solely) into metal at the time of the buy, I was...
  5. CharIie

    The Genius' Dilemma

    I take it that you guys are most likely familiar with the films "Black Swan" and "Whiplash", and therefore with the whole concept of "Selling your soul/yourself" to achieve artistic greatness. And it got me thinking. Bodom greatest albums were, in my humble opinion, the first four (from...
  6. CharIie

    Jaska, Janne and Henkka are leaving the band!!!!!

    What the fuck? Guys, check out their Facebook. I am on my phone and I cannot share the post here. Seems like Janne, Jaska and Henkka are leaving the band after a final show in December.... Only Alexi and Daniel will remain.... I am speechless. This comes out of nowhere...
  7. CharIie

    Met Jukka Nevalainen

    Guys, it's a pointless story, but it's so random that I thought I'd share it. After another horrible day at my school, I went to the train station to get home. And when I arrived there, I saw this dude seating on a bench, bandanna on his head, typical metalhead clothes, etc. And he really...
  8. CharIie

    The man behind Roy?

    Guys, just wondering, do we know who plays Roy? I mean, has it been the same dude all through the albums/videos, or do they just pick the first random dude and ask him to put on the cape?
  9. CharIie

    IDontKnowWhatToWrite to Charlie / CharIie / Mossback

    Hi there, I am sorry, I sent a mail through the Contact Us form regarding the name change but found right after that there is a place for such request... I am really dumb, sorry about that. Anyway, I would like to have my name changed from IDontKnowWhatToWrite to Charlie (with a L) or CharIie...
  10. CharIie

    Laiho's English

    To the native English speaker on the forum, do you hear any accent when Laiho speaks English? When I compare his speaking to someone like Ismo, it's as different as chalk and cheese. It really sounds 'native' to me, but English isn't my mother tongue, so I'm not sure I could tell.
  11. CharIie

    Jackson Stars RRJ2SP for sales (with a small twist)

    Guys! I found an perfect Jackson Stars RR-J2SP online! If anyone is still looking for it, go buy it now before it's gone! If you can afford it though, it's 2800€
  12. CharIie

    Lyrical complete non-sense

    Guys, have you heard this song yet? I think it's literally the most hilarious lyrics I've ever seen. It's just so over-the-top random XD
  13. CharIie

    NEW ALBUM 2020/2021?

    New Album 2020/2021 - News feed: December, 31st 2018 - Laiho declares in instagram video that he is working on some "new shit". Those are the first hints at a new album. March, 9th 2019 - Laiho confirms he has been working on new stuff for CoB. ( On Youtube at /watch?v=jC6vC5eorp8 ) - Fans...
  14. CharIie

    Under Grass And Clover - Lyrics ?

    As I did with Halo Of Blood and I Worship Chaos, I'm trying to figure out the lyrics to get a better understanding of the 'idea' behind the song. But just as the previous times, I failed to get it all. So let's make it a collaboration :D Flashback from the night before What's with the other...
  15. CharIie

    Simplest CoB song

    Hey guys, I was wondering if you could give me some help with something. I finally managed to convince my dad to make a CoB cover with me. He is a really good guitarist when it comes to blues/rock or improvisation but metal isn't really his cup of tea. So I was wondering which CoB songs would be...
  16. CharIie

    Any language freak or people with a lot of freetime?

    Hey guys, I was doing my daily language "routine" this morning and it got me thinking, I've always been struggling finding language partners. So I just thought I'd try my luck here in case some other people share the same passion for languages. And at least we'd know we have al least one thing...
  17. CharIie

    IRL COBForum meeting ?

    Hey guys, I was just thinking recently that it's been a while now since I joined the forum and that it be fun to get to meet some of you IRL. Has it ever happened? Have you ever organised some type of reunion for the members of the forum? Would some of you be interested in something like that?
  18. CharIie

    Recent article about Alexander Kuopala

    Hey guys, don't know if this has been posted already as I don't really often come by, but it case it hasn't, I've found this article. I don't know if it's worth translating so I'll leave it up to you as I don't speak a single word of Finnish (actually I do a bit: Voi saatanaan perkeleen vittu)...
  19. CharIie

    Solos without whammy bar

    Hey guys, I was wondering if you could help me out? I haven't been playing any CoB for a while and I'd like to give it a try. However, since the last time, I've sold my Edwards and therefore, I don't have anymore a whammy bar. Could you tell me in which song there are solo where not having a...
  20. CharIie

    Roope Latvala

    Hey guys, just wondering, has any of you heard of Roope since he isn't anymore a part of CoB? It makes sense to not hear from me outside of Finland, but I thought maybe some of the Finnish dudes here has heard something about his plans, projects or thoughts about him leaving CoB?