Search results

  1. P-Keisari

    Anyone interested in re-amping? (brutal/tech death metal)

    Hi! I'm asking for a huge favor here. I've been mixing this one death metal album for so long that I don't even dare to tell. One reason it has been taking so long is the lack of equipment. I have re-amped these guitars four times already, but I can't get the sound I'm looking for. I have only...
  2. P-Keisari

    Need mastering tips for extreme metal

    Hi! I've been mixing this one brutal death metal album (Nile, Origin, Dying Fetus kind of stuff) for a while now and now I'm at the stage of the mastering process. And yes, I know that its very much recommended that mastering the album should be done by someone else with different space and...
  3. P-Keisari

    Microphone for low guttural death metal vocals

    Hi. I'm working on this brutal death metal album (the same I've been working on for ages) and now I have reached a point where I realised that the vocals just don't fit in the mix and they must be recorded again. Even a most skillfull EQ can't save this situation. See, the mic I used was a large...
  4. P-Keisari

    Cubase ASIO problem (again)

    Hi! I'm having this really strange problem with my Cubase 5. My ASIO time overload pops and crackles, which is quite normal, if you have a ton of tracks and plugs, but the weird thing is that it doesn't do that every time. I mean that sometimes I work with the same project and there are no...
  5. P-Keisari

    Strange mixer problem in Cubase

    Hi! Not sure if I'm on a right forum asking things like this, but I don't know where else to turn. Yesterday I was using my old Cubase 5 and everything worked just fine. Today however I went to my computer, opened the Cubase, listened to my mix. All good. Then, I wanted to see the mixer and...
  6. P-Keisari

    Brutal / Technical Death Metal mix feedback

    Hi! Here's one song of my death metal band's upcoming release. The mix is pretty much done, but I would still like to hear some opinions and perspectives from people that dig this kind of music or are into music engineering. I have mixed / mastered and recorded this album all by myself (apart...
  7. P-Keisari

    Nile guitar tone with IRs?

    Haha! It seems I'm now bombing this forum with my questions almost every day. Straight to the point: Are there any Nile (Annihilation of the Wicked, Those Whom the Gods Detest or What Should not be Unearthed) guitar impulse responses online to download? Some people make those impulses...
  8. P-Keisari

    Free guitar cab / impulse loader help?

    Hi! I'm not that familiar with those free amp simulators, but I've heard, that there are couple of some really nice ones out there. Only one that I'm familiar with is the Poulin LeGion, which sounds rather nice IF you have a decent cabinet simulator, which I haven't been able to find. Every free...
  9. P-Keisari

    Tube amp volume question

    Hello! I have these few questions about tube amps (volume basically) used in recording situations. I have this one amp Randall V2. I'ts a 400 watt hybrid amp with two solid state channels (clean and overdrive) and one tube channel for modern high gain overdrive. I have been recording...
  10. P-Keisari

    Some help with extreme metal snare?

    Hi guys! I'm kinda newbie here so I'm not quite sure if I'm at the right forum right now. I could really use some help on mixing death metal snare drum. I have this death metal mix thing going on and I can't really get the snare to pop out. The raw sound of the snare is pretty metallic, kind of...
  11. P-Keisari

    Massive Nile guitar tone

    Hi, Neil! I've been mixing one death metal album for quite a while now and I just can't find the brutal "chunky" sound that I'm looking for. There are few things that I've always wanted to ask you. Almost every engineer always say that you shouldn't scoop your mids from the amp when recording...