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  1. Frank


    You know, even after 10 years, "What To Say" still makes my heart stutter. Maybe this sounds strange, but I like to listen to it every now and then just to prove to myself that I can still feel the emotion the song conveys. If the band is forever done, it left a great legacy.
  2. Frank

    Steve Lukather

    I know there are some Steve Lukather fans here. Has anyone seen him on his current tour? I'm going to see him tomorrow (Friday, 8-22-08) at the Winchester in Cleveland. I'm really looking forward to it.
  3. Frank

    Connecting With The Audience (For The Band)

    I've wanted to ask this for a long time. I've been reluctant because it's a sensitive issue for me. I'm slightly afraid of the answer. I mainly am asking Enchant this question, but I know that several of the people that post here are members of bands, so feel free with your thoughts also...
  4. Frank

    Live At Last (All Over Again)

    Ed's post and subsequent videos caused me watch Live at last again. What a great DVD. It's been quite awhile since I watched it. Until this viewing, I never realized what a great drummer Sean is. I mean really friggin good...
  5. Frank

    Band Recommendations From This Forum

    I've been working massive overtime, so I thought I'd treat myself to some "new" music. I searched this forum for recommended bands (alot of threads) and got some good ones. I'm hooked on Riverside. I've got Second Life Syndrome and Voices In My Head. This is truly a great band. I hope they...
  6. Frank

    Finally Finished the Collection

    I finally finished the Enchant collection. I bought A Blueprint of the World and Wounded a little over a week ago. Of course, now I have two copies of Time Lost. Nice to have both in one case though. I like Wounded, but I really like A Blueprint of the World. I was pleasantly surprised how...
  7. Frank

    OT(sorta):Triumph - Hold On

    Howdy folks. It's been awhile since I've posted here, but I've been lurking. I've been going through a dry spell on all the boards I frequent. I've been converting my vinyl to MP3 format and often come across a gem that I had not heard in a long time. One of those songs is Hold On, by Triumph...
  8. Frank

    Ted - Thanks

    [EDIT] Regarding the DVD performance... This is probably a year too late and a very tired subject for you but... Ted, I just want to say thanks for performing What To Say, acuatlly to the whole band. It really is a therapeutic song for me and, I'm sure many others, perhaps not within the...
  9. Frank

    OT - Paradigm Blue, Where's There Website

    The band, Paradigm Blue used to have a website on, however now I can't find it. Does anyone know where it moved to, or even if they have a website anymore?
  10. Frank

    You'll Never Love Again.....

    [Fading] And you'll never never love again. You know.....I felt that way at one time in my life. It's haunting how they can put that emotion into a song. I didn't come here to say that, but the song has been in my head all evening I listened to Time Lost coming home from work. But it...
  11. Frank

    OT: Rush In Rio

    I finally bought the Rush in Rio DVD. Man.....I'm at loss for words. Each song has so many memories associated. I'm 42 and I still get goosebumps when I see and hear them play. Those guys work hard. I got an embarrased "daaad" from my 8 year old son during Secret Touch (one of my favorite...
  12. Frank

    Black Eyes and Broken Glass

    This is another emotional punch in the gut songs. The best thing about it is it's neutral attitude. It simply presents the life of battered woman without resolution. The song leaves me wanting more. It makes me want to know more of what becomes of this woman. Does she escape the cycle of...
  13. Frank

    OT: Rush 30th Ann. Concert

    I went the the Cleveland area show on June 10th. It was awesome, probably the best Rush concert I've ever been to. I've been going since 1981. The setlist was excellent, their attitude was excellent, their playing was excellent. I took a friend that had never been to a Rush concert and was...
  14. Frank

    OT: Remember Your First Rock'n'Roll Song?

    Warning! :Spam: Do you remember the rock song you first heard that got you on the road to loving the music? I've always loved music for as far back as I can remember. I can remember being around 4 to 5 dancing to rock'n'roll like the twist (YES it was already years old by then!), but the...
  15. Frank

    Northeast Ohio Availability (25 Miles East of Cleveland)

    I dunno, but it seems as if Enchant is getting a little more popular. When I bought Tug of War upon release, the guy there said that Enchant is "starting" to catch on. Well, I just stopped in there the other day looking for some new stuff (Clem Snide) and as always, I checked the Enchant...
  16. Frank

    Comatose (My Coma)

    Although I've always like the song Comatose, after hundreds of listenings, I think I can now relate to it. The looses pieces of my thoughts that have accumulated since the first listening have finally come together. Emotionally, I've always understood the song, intellectually... it just takes...
  17. Frank

    Time Lost (It's My Turn to Talk)

    Yes, it's my turn for one of these threads.. I finally got TIme Lost from the local record shop. The first thing I thought of when I opened the case was.. HAIR! Look at all the hair everyone had! I also think Ed bore a resemblance to Dave Mustaine. Of course the tunes are good, but...
  18. Frank

    Good Stuff!

    I just listened to the songs for download at the Katagory V site... good stuff. Dustin, I followed the link in your sig in the Enchant forum, so it works.:grin: I read that Lynn has a day job.. man... for some reason it just doesn't seem right that people that love to make music have to...
  19. Frank

    Enchant, How Successful Do You Wish To Be?

    Yep, it's me again with one of them good ol' touch feelly questions. Many of us wish you (Enchant) monetary riches as our vision of success for you, but sometimes I wonder if that's what you really want. It would seem to be really cool to become very wealthy touring the world and playing...
  20. Frank

    Ted's Voice on Seeds Of Hate

    I've been pondering this post since shortly after Blink Of An Eye was released, but knowing that some people hate the kind of post this is, I've been reluctant to "put it out there". Probably like many of Enchant fans, I've totally roached (is that how you spell it in this context?) my voice...