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    Happy B-day Anders

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    If you haven't seen it already...

    This is hilarious. Why can't there be any metal TV commercials in the US?
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    I hate New Jersey

    Had to post it somewhere.
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    MTV2 and Devy?

    Was at New England Metalfest yesterday and MTV2 interviewed Devy... I want to see this but I don't watch MTV/MTV2, if anyone else sees it lemme know what they say on it :-P Oh and SYL was fucking awesome last night except they only got 4 songs. They were the best band that night too.. ohh well.
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    What the fuck is this shit with metal gods? Tonights the last show? Fuck you Halford. I hate BB Kings but now if I wanna see Testament and Immortal I *have* to go to this show. Grrr!
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    Industria Font?

    Can anyone send it to me? All of the font sites I checked on want like $20 which I think is ridiculous for a bunch of pixels...
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    NJ Metalfest

    ....was pretty sweet last night, so if you live in New Jersey you should definately go tonight/tommorow. They had alot of cool band merch too, like for bands that weren't even there, got a DT poster :rock:
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    3 word story

    Has it been done before here? I dunno, but anyway, each person posts 3 words to write a story, no editing unless someone sneaks a post in before yours and you fuck up. Here goes.... One fine day, NP: Arch Enemy - Black Earth
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    I guess this is kinda late but.....

    I never introduced myself because I'm really lazy, but now I really have nothing better to do. I've been around here for a while, but I just made this new name because the old one sucked. Anyway I'm a girl from north Jersey.. uh.. I draw, sing, and play keyboard. Oh and I have a horse. Uhhh.. I...
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    Official Chatting Thread in 1337 sp34k

    m3+41 is +3h r0x