Search results

  1. squeemu

    Atlantis and V

    Hello, I don't know much about the story of Atlantis (aside from what is sung on V) so I'm not sure how much is made up by Symphony X and how much is from the myth of Atlantis that already exists. I'm just curious to know if there is one defined story of Atlantis and if so how closely V follows...
  2. squeemu

    Okay, I'm not sure how many people here visit this site, but when you visit, does it after about 5 seconds move you to "Bling Records" discussion board? What the heck is going on? Is this a joke?
  3. squeemu

    Quick Question

    Not a very hard question, I'm just curious. I am a Christian so I know the stories in the Bible, but I was curious about one thing. In the lyrics "Jobe" is referred to. Is this the "Job" of the Bible? I figured it is, but I'm just wondering. Thanks!
  4. squeemu


    Why does the Hollywood show have to be sold out? :yell: There's another show on a Tuesday in Anaheim but I can't go on Tuesdays! This is terrible news, I was looking forward to going. :erk:
  5. squeemu

    Inner Circle Analysis

    Okay, I am usually bad at getting the whole story in a concept album. This one is not TOO hard to figure out, but I still haven't gotten the whole thing. Does somebody have a complete analysis (I know it's early) that they would like to share? Thanks!
  6. squeemu

    Voice on track 7

    Okay, on "The Essence of Conviction" am I hearing the voice clip say "We have to kill the baby"? It's hard to make that one part out. Pretty creepy if that's what he's saying...
  7. squeemu

    The Gallery question

    Am I correct in assuming this is a concept album? I have heard some refer to it as this in the past. If it is, I'm curious if anybody knows what it's about or if they know where there is a good analysis of the album. Thanks.
  8. squeemu

    The Great Deceiver question

    I hope everybody is not tired of this type of question, but what exactly is this song about? Any thoughts or info?
  9. squeemu

    Lying website!

    Okay, I'm sure nobody will really care, but this has slightly annoyed me for a while now. Why, under the biography section of the dark tranquillity website does it say "to the sombre closing tones of “Ex Nihilo” (the first instrumental in the band’s history)" ? There are clearly instrumentals on...
  10. squeemu

    Queen's One Vision

    At the very end of this song, does he really say "fried chicken" instead of "one vision"? If so, WHY??!?!?! :hypno:
  11. squeemu

    Jason Rullo Question

    Okay, I'm guessing many of you know but I don't so here goes; Why did Jason Rullo leave the band for one album and then come back? Thanks!
  12. squeemu

    Episode 666 lyrics

    Does anybody's Whoracle album have the real lyrics printed for Episode 666? Mine has the same lyrics from another song printed under the title, so it doesn't have the lyrics for this song. Fairly annoying. On a side note, I always wonder why so many cd booklets have typos or errors like this...
  13. squeemu

    Elegant...and dying

    Anybody have virgin black's new album yet? I am highly anticipating it, and wondered if anybody has it and if they could post some thoughts.
  14. squeemu

    My arms with bonus tracks has the my arms your hearse cd with bonus tracks for over 20 bucks. My question is, are the tracks good enough to justify this purchase? I'd be willing to fork out the cash if the tracks are quality and worth having. If not, I'll stick to the one I have. Thanks.
  15. squeemu

    Good site for tabs?

    I'm sure there have been topics about tabs on here before, so I'll make mine unique by saying I'm looking in particular for two songs I haven't been able to find tabbed that I want. Spock's Beard's "carrie" and Pain of Salvation's "Leaving Entropia." Any help is appreciated.
  16. squeemu

    Last December tour

    I know this is old, but I just joined here so here goes...I saw Symphony X with Blind Guardian last December, and it was an amazing show. Both bands were awesome, but I believe Symphony X put on a bit of a better show (I love both bands the same, so this is unbiased) However, I hear Symphony X...
  17. squeemu


    So is anybody into this band here, or just me? New album coming up in a few months too! Plus an upcoming American!
  18. squeemu


    So who's into it? Who's heard raison d'Etre? That guy makes the best music for being alone in the dark. What else would you recommend?
  19. squeemu

    POS shirts

    Man, I can't find pain of salvation shirts anywhere. Especially since the band shut down the internet shop. They are NEVER on ebay even! Does anybody know where to get a good one?
  20. squeemu

    Gallery availability

    I just received Gallery from someone off of ebay. I quickly became one who would say that it is DT's best album. Why is this cd so hard to buy? With music of this quality, are they planning on rereleasing it in America? It woud be a shame not too...