Search results

  1. swizzlenuts

    Progressive death metal

    This genre is filled with a ton of wank, but there is some great stuff. Obviously Death started everything and The Chasm took that and put out some of the best death metal. But Morbus Chron (and Sweven), the new Horrendous, StarGazer, and the new Mefitis are fucking top tier albums. I don't...
  2. swizzlenuts

    Hey you fucks

    I miss you all. What has everyone been up to? Bit drunk, so add me on facebook.
  3. swizzlenuts

    You miss my dumbass?

    I haven't really been here for a while. Mostly because my internship blocks UM. I've been playing tons of dota 2. Anyone else play? I'm living in Austin TX right now, but I live in Chicago now. I know you don't give a fuck, but I'll have a PhD in 2 years. Got my second paper published and my...
  4. swizzlenuts

    The I hate swizzle thread.

    I know I am too scientific for you guys, but you guys are ace at recommending bands. So show how much you hate me.
  5. swizzlenuts

    Recommendation: Antropomorphia - Necromantic Love Songs

    This one is for lurch, super underground. This EP is one my favorites. I heard about them from Yoni (guitarist of Grave Miasma), and it's fucking fantastic. It's Doomy and dark like Miasma, but much more twisted. So if you like your old school death metal slow (at times), heavy, and melodic...
  6. swizzlenuts

    Recommendation: Megiddo

    Last reco of today. I present to you one of my favorite black metal acts of the 2000's. They have a dirty disgusting sound with nice thrashy riffs thrown in. I think most of you know this band, but just in case... and The Oath...
  7. swizzlenuts

    Recommendation: Gates of Ishtar

    I know people here are big fans of the early Melodeath, like Dark Tranquility, Eucharist, Early At the Gates, etc. I found this one a while back, and I think it's pretty fucking solid for early Melodeath goes. I quite dig A Bloodred Path, but I haven't really heard much else. All hail the...
  8. swizzlenuts

    Recommendation: Carbonized - For the Security

    I feel like you guys should already know this band, but I couldn't find anybody talking about it. It's fantastic grindy (maybe progressive) OSDM. This band took me a bit to get into, initially, but it's something I listen while at the gym or driving. Also, their second album is good, but so...
  9. swizzlenuts

    Recommendation: Demontage

    This is damn good heavy/black metal. Tons of great riffs and solid writing, but especially great while drinking. Reminds me of a bit of Midnight in the approach, but much more black/thrashy. Entourage of Demons Dances Accursed Saboteur The Malignant Paradigm
  10. swizzlenuts

    Recommendation: Czarbles

    This is probably one of the better bands from Madison. I might put up another one from a Celtic Frost ish band, but for now you get a technical/progressive rock band. They remind me a lot of Stinking Lizaveta in their approach. Solid stuff. All I have is their myspace...
  11. swizzlenuts

    Recommendation: Argentum - Ad Interitum Funebrarum

    This is some of the darkest doomiest death metal I've ever heard. This album is so atmospheric that I can just put it on and let the melodies soak me in. Note: their second album is meh. So here are the first three tracks on the album :kickass: Enter an Encysted Hibernation Asstrum...
  12. swizzlenuts

    Recommendation: Ketzer

    Blackened Trash with fuck loads of riffs. Not to mention that their riffs stay stuck in your head for a long time. Warlust The Fire To Conquer The World He Who Stands Behind The Rows The...
  13. swizzlenuts

    Recommendation: Snailking

    Obviously these guys are fan of Ufomammut, but it's far less psychedelic. It's sludgy doom metal, done extremely well. or the full demo on jewtube:
  14. swizzlenuts

    Recommendation: Innsmouth

    This is some dirty death metal with hints of Hellenic Black metal, from Australia. Only have an EP/split out, but they fucking rule. The She-Goat Quandary: Aloof With Cloven Hooves: Thrice Blessed Shub-Niggurath:
  15. swizzlenuts

    Hi Johanna

    How are the kids? Tell mike to let you post more. We are a music forum again.
  16. swizzlenuts

    Online Stores vs Local Stores

    How do you guys feel about this? I know online is always cheaper, but if I see an album or book at a local store I always buy it. I feel like supporting the local stores is the "right" way to go.
  17. swizzlenuts

    I'm back...

    So what have I missed since I left, faggots? Apparently Dio died and Beherit is back together. Burzum has put on a few good albums, but still.
  18. swizzlenuts

    Dorian's Wife

    I bet she's really fucking hot
  19. swizzlenuts

    New Nachmystium New track up. Seriously what the fuck is this crap? I've always kind of liked Nachmystium because they play so many shows around here, but this is just crap.
  20. swizzlenuts

    High on Fire - Snakes for the Divine

    Any one hear this yet? I'm about to put it on. I'll be seeing these guys tonight. Will be fucking ace, I'm sure.