Search results

  1. Super Mahrio

    Awesome Mascots

    (and/or sexy mascots!) Usually bald guys dont do it for me but Mr Clean is the shit! Plus this guy's hat rules.
  2. Super Mahrio

    Disney eats Marvel Well? How about them apples?
  3. Super Mahrio


    4th of July. also:
  4. Super Mahrio

    Alaska should rejoyce.

  5. Super Mahrio

    So... April does suck after all...

    Well i went to SF and when i called my mom on Monday, she said our cat Simon hasnt come around...hes even ignored his food...My parents searched for him in the past few days (even today) and cant find him at all...Therefore theres only one conclusion...Simon may not ever come back..its not like...
  6. Super Mahrio

    Happy Boofday Azal!

    yay Aries!!! :kickass: :hotjump:
  7. Super Mahrio


    :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
  8. Super Mahrio

    Have you ever dreamt of other board members?

    well..have you? i had a dream the other night i was partying with Kevin...
  9. Super Mahrio

    Fun stuff! create your own little comic!
  10. Super Mahrio

    Zombie Survival sheets

    how will YOU survive a zombie attack? fill out the sheet how you would! ( heres mine!
  11. Super Mahrio

    Weird fishie

    weird! Edit: stupid thing wont embed
  12. Super Mahrio

    Screaming Beans

    :lol: this is kind of amusing!
  13. Super Mahrio

    Valentines Day

    FUCK YOU! (post how you shall celebrate this atrocity of a day and/or share your lament)
  14. Super Mahrio

    How to choose your metal band's name

    saw this on another forum..
  15. Super Mahrio

    Laura Appreciation thread

  16. Super Mahrio

    Ummm.... :ill::waah:
  17. Super Mahrio


    Thankee for my box of mystery! such items are most enjoyable! i think the best one is the Care Bear dryer sheets! :kickass: and of course the awesome octopus card! thanks Cara and Derick! :D :kickass::kickass::kickass:
  18. Super Mahrio

    Metal and the Economy

    Well...since the economy seems to be getting worse before it gets better, i couldnt help but wonder at the state of the upcoming tour season... I know that many festivals and tours have already been announced, but are they gonna fare as well as they did in previous years? Are people still gonna...
  19. Super Mahrio


  20. Super Mahrio

    The Spirit

    anyone see this movie yet? its pretty hilarious! done in typical Frank Miller fashion with awesome effects, noir style color, and lots of hot ladies...:kickass: good stuff! Samuel L Jackson strikes again as supremely win!