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  1. dreamwatch

    Happy New Year fuckers!

  2. dreamwatch

    Well, I have to bitch about it somewhere...

    The Prodigy are headlining the first night of Download. Lot's of people are incredibly happy, I'm not one of them. I know they've dropped the 'Monster of Rock' moniker, but I was under the impression that Download was still ostensibly a Rock/Metal festival. I suppose I haven't been following the...
  3. dreamwatch

    Horrible tattoos = great laughs

    Looking around for some ideas for my next tat and stumbled upon these beauties. Love the comments! :D
  4. dreamwatch

    Iron Maiden at the O2

    Went off to watch the boys last night. Wasn't expecting much, the last time we saw them was at Earl's Court a couple of years ago, where they played AMOLAD almost in it's entirety. I fucking hated it. :) Band were a bit subdued, understandable as they are at the arse end of a world tour, but...
  5. dreamwatch

    Second hand record shops in Australia?

    Anyone know of any? Given my location, better if they have an online presence. :p I'm looking for a Foo Fighters single that was only released in the Oz and I can't find it on eBay. Thanks guys. :)
  6. dreamwatch

    Anyone got an Amazon Kindle?

    Just curious about them. We've started selling these at work so I can claim discount on them. I've thought about e-readers before and had a quick play with the Sony Touch and I'm not sure what I think to be honest. My main concern is being too aware of the device over the actual story...
  7. dreamwatch

    Just pretend to be interested...

    Seeing as Southy is bored, I will share. :) Saw Them Crooked Vultures on Monday. Very, very awesome live band. Crowd were meh, the venue was downright shite but that's probably more to do with the fact that I'm a dwarf. So, not the best gig I've been to, but the band themselves were top...
  8. dreamwatch

    Maiden to open the 2012 Olympics

    Not quite. ;) Would be freaking awesome though. :)
  9. dreamwatch

    Australia is the greatest place on earth because...

    Ok, enough of the misery. What do you love about Australia? :)
  10. dreamwatch

    I got me a tattoo!

  11. dreamwatch

    Happy Birthday Spiff!

    :rock: So, anything in the post? :err:
  12. dreamwatch

    I was just wondering...

    ... has swine flu taken out the occupants of this forum? Because it's AWFUL quiet. :erk:
  13. dreamwatch

    R.I.P. Dom Deluise.

    He was 75. Died in his sleep apparently. Very fun guy.
  14. dreamwatch

    Watch out Brisbane - here we come!!

    See you Saturday! :rock:
  15. dreamwatch

    Metallica - London

    Saw Metallica on Monday. Pretty awesome show - staging was amazing, laser beams and huge flames etc, very impressive. Personally, I preferred the show they did before Christmas. Maybe it was because I wasn't feeling too hot on Monday so I couldn't go all out, but it was still fab. Managed to...
  16. dreamwatch

    Megadeth @ Wembley Arena - \m/

    As expected they were amazing. Excellent sound, excellent set, it was just perfect. :) Set List (this was Glasgow's, pretty sure it was exactly the same tonight) 01 Sleepwalker 02. Wake Up Dead 03. Take No Prisoners 04. A Tout Le Monde 05. Washington Is Next 06. She Wolf 07. In My Darkest...
  17. dreamwatch

    Snowed in!!

    No work for me today. No buses running in London at all. All trains suspended, and only two tube lines working. Can't ever remember it being this bad. :OMG: Anyway, it's a day off work. :kickass:
  18. dreamwatch

    Headbanging is bad for your health! Oh noes!

    A mate told me about this the other day and I thought she was taking the piss. Alas, no: Particularly like the idea of a club full of metal heads wearing neck braces. :lol:
  19. dreamwatch

    Very funny thread

    Not this one I should add. :goggly: Found this from a link in another forum. I am NOT laughing at the pictures in this thread, but some of the comments are comedy gold. :)
  20. dreamwatch

    Ok, help me out here

    If you've got nothing to do for the next 5 minutes or so... My favourite act got voted out of X Factor tonight. Not sure if you have that show, it's like Pop Idol, you get the picture. Anyway... these things happen, but one of the acts that has been kept in every week is beyond awful. I was...