Search results

  1. CadalMord

    The Gustafsson trial

    The prosecutor is now demanding a life sentence for Nils Gustafsson for the Lake Bodom murders. The court hearings will start on August 16th, Gustafsson is being prosecuted for all three murders. IMO he's innocent. What do you think?
  2. CadalMord

    Spinefarm knows their stuff

    I was surfing the Spinefarm site and noticed a "little" mistake there. They are suggesting that the song "Silent Scream" was originally by Sepultura. :lol: Check the Needled 24/7 7" tracklist
  3. CadalMord

    Laiho & Wirman radio interview on Radio YleX (Finland)

    If anyone is interested in a Laiho & Wirman radio interview, get it here. This interview is in finnish, and if anyone asks if I could translate it for the people who don't know finnish, I'm taking the file off the server :Smug: Anyways, I recorded the interview myself so feel free to thrash...
  4. CadalMord


    Went to my first Mayhem gig, but: - no blood - no goat heads - no pig heads - no self-abuse - didn't get a good look at Hellhammer And I know the reason to that last one. Before I went to the gig, Gavin jinxed me with talking shit about Maniac and Blasphemer. So, they were pretty much the...
  5. CadalMord

    Tuska tickets.

    Ticket sales start April 5th. 1day ticket = 30euros 3day ticket = 65euros Just thought someone might be interested.
  6. CadalMord

    CoB won the "Import Femma" award last Friday

    See picture here. edit: goddamn, how many things can one screw up when making a simple thread like this? I guess I should leave the thread-making to "the professionals"...
  7. CadalMord

    Dimmu Borgir - Progenies of the Apocalypse video

    I guess that the ones who have waited for it, already know that it's possible to see it as a stream video on Nuclear Blast site. BUT, I've got news (I hope it's not too old news, anyways): You can download the video, too: Higher quality version (mpeg) zipped to 61,9mb Lower quality version...
  8. CadalMord

    Tuska '03 - Kuka tai mikä?

    Kävin itse tsekkaamassa lauantain ja sunnuntain. Tuli tässä mieleeni, että oliko kellään muulla seuraavanlaisia kokemuksia: Näet jonkun henkilön ja ensin tulee mieleen: "Onpa tutun näköinen." Samassa tajuat, ettet ole aiemmin tavannut kyseistä henkilöä, etkä viitsi mennä kyselemään...
  9. CadalMord


    Niin, eli ajattelin vähän tiedustella ihmisten suunnitelmia CoB:n keikkojen suhteen. Itse aion 100% varmuudella mennä ensi lauantaina Nivalan keikalle, mutta suunnitelmissa olisi myös seuraavia mahdollisuuksia: 26.3. Oulu, Foxia 27.3. Jyväskylä, Lutakko 4.4. Tampere, Pakkahuone Kyytiä ei oo...
  10. CadalMord


    New Agonizer promo recorded, samples available here Check it out! Metal from Pyhäjärvi, Finland.
  11. CadalMord

    Fender osti Jacksonin

    Jep, eli vaikken oo kitaristi niin tiedän että tällä boardilla niitä on ja monella taitaa olla myös joku Jacksonin kitara. Siis, luin Soundin julkaisemasta CoB-haastiksesta että oli ollu paha yllätys jätkille Musamaailmassa kun olivat kertoneet, että Fender on ostanut Jacksonin ja irtisanonut...
  12. CadalMord

    Something Wild digipack (anyone interested?)

    Yeah, I happen to have an extra copy of Something Wild digipack, so if anyone is interested, I'll take offers to my e-mail: Offer me money, cd's, LP's, anything you want. Only I don't know when I will be able to check my e-mail the next time, so you may have to wait...
  13. CadalMord

    Funeris Nocturnum

    Kuuntelin tossa aamulla Funeris Nocturnumin albumia "From The Aspect Of The Darkly Illuminated" ja tulin sitte ajatelleeks, että mitenkäs on, onko tämä uus rumpali TMON läheskään yhtä hyvä kuin tolla albumilla esiintyvä Draco?
  14. CadalMord


    Dude, did you get the e-mail? I sent it about a week ago, when you said that e-mail would suit you better than private messages...
  15. CadalMord

    Requiem - The Arrival Tsekatkaa sound clipit ja kertokaa mitä ootte mieltä. En itse soita bändissä mutta kuitenkin.
  16. CadalMord

    someone please sell me these items

    Children of Bodom: Something Wild (LP) Children of Bodom: Tokyo Warhearts (both LP's) Children of Bodom: Toy's Factory releases of every album I know where I could get three of those Toy's Factory releases, but it's quite expensive that way.. But how about those vinyls? Anyone? Please?
  17. CadalMord

    Pantera and satan?

    Well, I guess at least the most of you know Pantera. I was just wondering that how can someone associate their music with satan worshipping? I at least cannot make such connection and I think I can tell the difference between for example black metal and basic heavy metal..
  18. CadalMord


    Well, about 3 years ago I heard Testament the first time in my life. The song was "Electric Crown", if I remember correctly. Anyway, my friend bought the "The Ritual" album but besides the "Electric Crown", I wasn't really impressed. But now my other friend bought the "First Strike Still Deadly"...
  19. CadalMord

    Are YOU a Hardcore CoB fan?

    msg deleted due to incredible gayness
  20. CadalMord

    my want list

    yeah, my want list. offer me some trade or i could also buy some items.. - Children of Bodom: Something Wild LP - Children of Bodom: Tokyo Warhearts LP - Children of Bodom: Tokyo Warhearts green-LP - Children of Bodom: any bootleg