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  1. Funeral Portrait

    Nick Pierce

    What's up Martriden guys. My old bandmate Nick showed me some demos he filmed of himself playing the drum tracks to your tunes. I had never heard of your band before then but man am I impressed! Can't wait to hear more stuff from you all and best of luck in your future endeavors. Hopefully...
  2. Funeral Portrait

    Hope you guys won't mind...

    The self-promotion forum is pretty lame. Hopefully I can get some feedback here. Anyway my band just finished a new demo and I posted all of the songs on our myspace. If any of you are into Suffo/Fetus/Decap you might enjoy us. :wave:
  3. Funeral Portrait

    Cool video of my drummer -

    Just thought some of you might wanna check this out, filmed it a couple days ago at my band practice.
  4. Funeral Portrait

    Tour cancelled??

    I just got an email from the club owner in Tacoma saying you guys cancelled the rest of the tour :cry: This true?
  5. Funeral Portrait

    New Between the Buried and Me song...

    "Alaska" honest opinions?
  6. Funeral Portrait

    3 Inches of Blood

    What do you guys think of them? I've seem 'em twice and think they simply rock. Just fun heavy metal to rock out to. My band is playing with them this month and I'm fuckin stoked :grin:
  7. Funeral Portrait

    GoD is a sissy.

    'nuff said.
  8. Funeral Portrait

    Woo hoo!

    I finally get to see Vehemence live. I've missed you guys the past couple times you came out to Seattle, but now I'll definitely be able to make it to your show. Can't wait :cool:
  9. Funeral Portrait


  10. Funeral Portrait

    Best Cover(s)?

    In relation to the Worst Cover(s) thread. Death - Painkiller The Agony Scene - Paint it Black
  11. Funeral Portrait

    best cover art?

    inspired by the "worst cover art" thread. I would have to go with Diabolical Masquerade - Death's Design. I just picked it up today and man I love that cover. Cool colors, creepy imagery, and a badass logo.
  12. Funeral Portrait

    Brutal Swedish Death Metal Bands Needed

    I have a couple friends who are convinced that the only type of metal that comes out of Sweden is "melodic pussy shit," as they hate everything from Opeth to In Flames with a passion. I know there's lots of good Death Metal bands out of that country but the only one that immediately comes to...
  13. Funeral Portrait

    My band's music.

    Here's a couple MP3's from out new cd:
  14. Funeral Portrait


    hey dude, any news on the logo? (lol sorry, i can't reach you any other way) :wave:
  15. Funeral Portrait


    hehe...thats awesum :tickled:
  16. Funeral Portrait


  17. Funeral Portrait

    Kerry King on Tom Green

    BLABBERMOUTH.COM: SLAYER guitarist Kerry King will appear on "The New Tom Green Show" tonight, Tuesday, August 26. The show will air tonight on MTV from midnight to 1:00 a.m. whether or not you like him/slayer, it should be pretty interesting! just though some of you might wanna check it out.
  18. Funeral Portrait

    Hey I got a job!

    Startin next week I'm workin at my town's fair. :grin: :Spin:YAY:Spin:
  19. Funeral Portrait

    the WHAT devil??

    haha, i saw an add for "pool devil" on tv today. i think they need a new logo :tickled:
  20. Funeral Portrait

    Dashboard Confessional

    My sister is listening to them in the other room :yuk: what do you suggest i do about it?