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  1. Profanity

    Where is everyone?

    It's the middle of the afternoon in Europe, the peak time of the day and the place is dead. What is everyone doing and where is everyone?
  2. Profanity

    Rough neighbourhoods near where you live

    Where are the rough neighbourhoods near to where you live i.e no-go areas? I live in Manchester and the city has a massive reputation as been the gang/gun capital of Britain. Things are much different now but you'll still find gangsters and witness gang attacks. I revenly witnessed a gang...
  3. Profanity

    Best video camera phones

    I absolutely hate mobile phones and know nothing about them and will never use one or allow people to ring me on one but I find the video camera feature very useful. I need a phone which will give me good quality video recordings lasting for over 10 minutes which I will be able to connect to the...
  4. Profanity

    3 single mums on a bus...

    I just had to share this funny experience I had on a bus ride in Leeds. 3 single mums got on a bus and one said to another "Is that your first(child), are you having any more?" to which she replied "not with him". A question was then asked "why don't you work?" to which one of the single mums...
  5. Profanity

    Are you a royalist?.

    I am NOT a royalist and hate what the royal family stands for. Hanging onto the traditions of a monarchy is effectively supporting and saying there's nothing wrong with murdering/torturing people simply for not supporting the administration. We have moved on since those days and we now have...
  6. Profanity

    My exciting week

    Just thought i'd share with you all my memorable week. It began on thursday night when I went to Manchester with my drunken friend. I was in a big rush to buy Rainbow "Rising". My friend can't walk fast, so he was stressed and swearing at everyone at the top of his voice, saying things like...
  7. Profanity

    How do you want to die/what will happen?

    Following on from the discussion about when you want to die, I was wondering how you want to die and this could be influenced by what you think will happen when you die. I believe that when you're dead you're just dead - you don't know about it and it's just like you don't exist anymore. I...
  8. Profanity

    What age would you like to die?

  9. Profanity

    Gangland Manchester

    Disclaimer: This information is not 100% accurate and is not intended to imply or offend anyone. I am not always aware of the consequences of my actions so please go easy on me if I have offended anyone or if this is an unsuitable message. Do not read if this message is going to affect you in a...
  10. Profanity

    Japanese horror films

    Recently I have been into thiss genre. I used to always avoid horror films after they all follow the same predictable ghosts, stalkers e.t.c. Films like Scream, Halloween and Texas Chainsaw Massacre did little to generate the fear response but after seeing a few Japanese horrors my opinions...
  11. Profanity

    I couldn't believe my luck tonight (warning:females may feel offended)

    As you know I have a smoking fetish which means that I am turned on by women who smoke. I am especially turned on by the rebellious nature of young women and smoking, for example smoking in no smoking zones, smoking in hospitals, outside chemists e.t.c. On the bus going home, I sat at the...
  12. Profanity

    The true meaning of christmas. Beware of christians

    We all know that christians claim the true meaning of christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus and most of us know that Christmas was originally a Pagan festival. You're probably thinking that christians stole this festival in order to compete with Paganism. However. There is much more to it...
  13. Profanity

    Do you smoke?

  14. Profanity

    A Matter of Life & Death

    What does everyone think to Maidens new album? I'm not seeing very much discussion about it, I even did a search.
  15. Profanity

    Smoking ban

    I believe the smoking ban is a violation of human rights (Human Rights Act 1998). Smokers are being discriminated against in the same way black people used to be. They are not allowed to smoke in buildings or very shortly in outdoor locations, a lot of employers won't employ smokers, lots of...
  16. Profanity

    Friday nights on UM used to be exciting

    I remember the days when hundreds of people used to npost funny messages while having internet drinking sessions but now they are boring. What happened? Why has everyone suddenly become sad? At least post some messages rather than just sitting here idle.
  17. Profanity

    Anyone in the UK watching Big Brother

  18. Profanity

    What's the difference between Grindcore and Death Metal?

    I know this question may be really obvious but all the bands i've listened to which are considered Grindcore sound the same as Death - Powerchords, fast drums, dark music, growly vocals. So could someone please fill me in on the details?
  19. Profanity

    Me and 2 other friends got beaten up outside a pub last week

    Last sunday me and 2 friends(x and y) went out for a drink. X and Y both wanted to go into a pub but as we walked in we were abused and called names by this gang. I don't believe that gangs of thugs should get away with bullying innocent people, so me and X stood up to them and called them...
  20. Profanity

    Why obese men should never lose weight

    I've learned the hard way. I used to weigh 288lb's(over 130kg). My weight consisted mainly of excess fat which was distributed fairly evenly around my body. I let my weight drop, due to a stress fracture I suffered and major indigestion problems. I now weigh 255lb's(117kg) and my body does look...