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  1. -Gavin-

    Something awesome about KDE

    It bitches about British (real) English spelling on spellcheck yet accepts "ass-tonne" as proper English! Wonderful!
  2. -Gavin-

    Amazon Amplitube iPhone hardware review :lol:
  3. -Gavin-

    "Most Every"

    What the fuck is this and why do (mostly US-English) speakers seem to think it makes sense? I see/hear it all the time, "Most every (x)"... How does that even feel natural to say out loud? I tried and it jarred my brain... It's "Almost".
  4. -Gavin-

  5. -Gavin-

    Protect your intellectual property That is fucking brilliant :lol:! I love the Fritzl looking guy on the left ......:lol:! Get this guy on Dragon's Den
  6. -Gavin-

    Fucking what!?

    "A German student "mooned" a group of Hell's Angels and hurled a puppy at them before escaping on a stolen bulldozer, police have said. " :lol:!!!! Animal cruelty aside... fucking WHAT!? :lol::lol::lol:! Most epic getaway ever
  7. -Gavin-

    Mac Users

    Just a heads up.
  8. -Gavin-

    New Random Mullet EP out (Free download)

    3 song EP, totally free! This is my new band's Key player's main band. Check it out!
  9. -Gavin-

    Thank you guys again!

    The M-audio Mobile Pre USB came in the post yesterday and I want to thank everyone on this board for helping me get back rolling! Work has commenced again on my new band's Album and we're just waiting for vox now! Thank you again so much!
  10. -Gavin-

    Goddamnit Scotland.
  11. -Gavin-

    Nekro/Frederik - Important

    This person is a lurker on this forum though a regular at the Alestorm forum, one I have known for years and is from Germany. I have had my sound card stolen by him and i am posting this here as well so he will maybe see it. I've been waiting now over 3 months for you to send my...
  12. -Gavin-

    What gets on my tits:

    When people say "I could care less"... When they really mean "I couldn't care less". Another one is "most everything" instead of "almost everything"...
  13. -Gavin-

    Bobby D arrested for walking!

    Last one today:
  14. -Gavin-

    Irony points + 1, 000, 000! The Indian government has asked the United States to explain why a leading Bollywood film star was held for two hours at New York's Newark airport. ... The actor, who is promoting a film on racial profiling, said he was stopped because he...
  15. -Gavin-

    Samson Airline 77 Angle Jack Wireless

    No longer need it. Power supply (standard 12v) is missing but a replacement can be picked up in any hardware store and it's absence is reflected in the price. Amazing range on this thing! Wandered backstage to get a spare pick mid gig, made it to the bar for a beer mid song etc! :lol...
  16. -Gavin-

    Are people this stupid? Some amazing quotes in here! "His supporters claim that the president is a Nazi who wants to take away healthcare from the elderly and that he is somehow advocating euthanasia." Another man tells me that the UK has the highest mortality...
  17. -Gavin-

    Rate this mix! No vox, but Todd Hansen of Berzerker on Drums.

    My new band, still waiting for vox to be done (Singer has another album to do first :D) But this is pretty much the mix of the album. Feedback/Crit is accepted and welcomed :D
  18. -Gavin-

    For Trade: Line 6 Toneport UX2 for Similar sized interface (I.e Edirol UA-25)

    Been using my Toneport and recorded an album with it on my old computer and it's been fantastic, however there is an L6 issue with my new lappy's motherboard (with AMD CPU) involving pops/clicks so i will trade this card (Perfect working order, tested it on 2 other machines (AMD and Intel) with...
  19. -Gavin-

    For Sale, Samson CR77 UHF CH E4 Wireless unit GOTTA GET RID OF ASAP

    Really need rid of this to raise 6k for studying in august! £90 shipped in EU £85 in UK If in EU, i'll send a UK-EU converter plug. PM
  20. -Gavin-

    Couple of new Finland laughs!

    Passed this going to town... This is printed multiple times outside the bar, on signs, flyers and tshirts... :lol: Found this in my freezer: