Search results

  1. Oakenson

    Ten Favorite Bands/Artists

    So, if you had to choose ten of your all-time favorite bands/artist, who would they be? My selections are as follows, presented in alphabetical order: Arkenstone, David Bal-Sagoth Eternal Tears Of Sorrow Grave Digger Hansen, Kai Manowar McKennitt, Loreena Running Wild Sonata Arctica Therion :)
  2. Oakenson

    What Are You Listening To At The Moment?

    ... and before I am attacked, let me justify the creation of this rather infamous "now playing" thread; seeing as everyone here loves music, it's only natural to want to discuss music of all sorts amongst ourselves and, as such, why not have a thread such as this one as the precedent? At any...
  3. Oakenson

    Favorite Movies

    So, now that we have an off-topic forum, I suppose it's only logical to create some off-topic threads, eh? :) So, for starters, what are some of everyone's favorite movies? Mine, in some kind of order (I guess), are: Braveheart Dances With Wolves The Shawshank Redemption Conan: The...
  4. Oakenson

    EToS/North America

    I woke up and, as usual, checked Blabbermouth as part of my usual morning internet routine, haha, and I came across a rather nice article regarding Eternal Tears Of Sorrow and their unfortunate lack of presence in North America ...
  5. Oakenson

    Non-EToS Related Threads

  6. Oakenson

    Album you're most looking forward to this year?

    ... without a doubt, the new Sonata Arctica album! - judging solely from the album title, album cover (anyone else notice the "hidden image?") and song titles, I'm certain it'll be amazing, to say the least (although, then again, I am quite a Sonata fan-boy :Saint:)! How about everyone else...
  7. Oakenson

    Without being too much a nub ...

    ... I was looking for some November's Doom recommendations; I have The Novella Reservoir and thoroughly enjoy it from beginning to end and, seeing as there are a number of albums under the band's belt, any recommendations for in-print albums would be awesome! :) By the way, and completely...
  8. Oakenson

    Non-EToS Related Threads

    ... are they allowed here? I know some individual band forums allow discussion about that particular band whilst others, on the other hand, allow more or less anything and everything - how about here? Personally speaking, I'd like to see some non-EToS related threads just to, perhaps, get more...
  9. Oakenson

    Kind of a goofy question, but ...

    Well, I guess before I get to my random question, I have to clarify which edition of Children Of The Dark Waters I have and, as such, I have the digipak released on Massacre Records and, for those that have this version too, here it goes! - when you open up the first "panel" (the cover), you see...
  10. Oakenson

    Favorite 2009 Albums Thus Far ...

    I know this isn't directly related to EToS (though, of course, has the potential to be) so, simply, what's your 2009 list shaping up to be so far? As for mine ... 01. Eternal Tears Of Sorrow - Children Of The Dark Waters 02. Amorphis - Skyforger 03. Stratovarius - Polaris 04. Celesty...
  11. Oakenson

    Kamelot's The Black Halo - Japanese Release Date?

    Does anyone know the official release date for The Black Halo? Ever since I've had it on pre-order from Amazon, the release date keeps changing.
  12. Oakenson

    Greatest Discoveries of 2004

    I'm not talking about albums here, just bands you discovered last year that really made an impression on you. I'm going to keep my list to five and give reasons, but do whatever you want, of course. 01. Sigur Ros This is the most brilliant discovery I've had since Rhapsody. No words...
  13. Oakenson

    Deciding Factors to go to ProgPower

    I'm just curious to see what everyone's decision process is concerning the attendence of ProgPower? Do you go simply to go, because you love the event and people? Do you go because of certain bands? For me, for now on, I am going to base my decision off of the bands playing. If two bands I...
  14. Oakenson

    Favorite Song From Casting The Stones

    Hello. I was able to finally pick up Casting The Stones this week and I must say I am really impressed. I knew it would be amazing although it actually exceeded my already high expectations - great work guys! :worship: As for the topic I am creating here, I'd have to say my favorite song...
  15. Oakenson

    Greatest Memory from PPV

    What is everyone's greatest memory from this year's ProgPower? Was it the bands? A certain band? An experience? For me I'd say the greatest memory of this year's ProgPower was when my best friend, Mark, a non-Folk Metal guy stood with me to watch Wuthering Heights and then bought both To...
  16. Oakenson

    Favorite Performance at PPV

    Wuthering Heights ... without a doubt! What an incredible experience this was! :) Their setlist couldn't have been better and their performance was one of the most energetic and enjoyable ones I've seen!
  17. Oakenson

    Recent Update with Henrick

    You can read the article I read here. Here it is copied and pasted: EVERGREY guitarist Henrick Danhage recently spoke to about the group's new CD, "The Inner Circle", and their current North American tour with ICED EARTH and CHILDREN OF BODOM, among other topics. Asked if...
  18. Oakenson

    Tom producing the new DRAGONLAND album

    You can find the news on Dragonland's website here although I copied and pasted here as well: Almost set for recording the new album now, From 1:st of June and 5-6 weeks Forward we'll be recording the yet untitled album in Division One Studios with producer Tom Englund of Evergrey! - -...