Search results

  1. Thrymfal

    Hey Everybody...Choose Your New Mod.

    wow, i've been gone for a while. Sorry abut the abscence of your moderator, i've just been so busy with life and work and standup. I really miss the good ole days on this board, but i just don't have the time to be here consistently. Which is why I am stepping down as moderator. You guys...
  2. Thrymfal

    AA Fan Sean McQuade Inured In VTech Shooting

    I got this in a PM, thought it was postworthy. Hi, my name is Michael DiSanto and I am writing to you because my good friend, and huge fan of Amon Amarth, was seriously injured - shot in the face - in the shooting that took place on April 16th, at Virignia Tech in the USA. Being a close...
  3. Thrymfal

    With Oden on Our Side Artwork and Final Tracklist Revealed!
  4. Thrymfal

    Lots of AA and Other Great videos check it out, it's a fuckin rad site!
  5. Thrymfal

    This one's just for Clint! Being Un-Australian...that's gotta be like...almost half as bad as being Un-American! Ok, well maybe just a quarter, but still, in the index of my book, you'd find it filed under "B", for Bad. :p
  6. Thrymfal

    Read This First!

    Alright, now that the search function is officially back, there's no fuckin excuse folks. Just to start things off with, if you're new, and want to start a new thread, search for it first. oh and BTW: 1. New threads asking your favorite AA song will be closed 2. New threads asking about...
  7. Thrymfal

    The "OFFICIAL" Welcome Back DemonsAndLies666 Thread

    Some of us knew him as Axe of Darkness, Some of us know him as Demons and Lies, All of us know he's a total prick just waiting to shred some newbie to pieces with a witty retort, and I welcome it...Teach them bastards to search before posting.
  8. Thrymfal

    RE: Mods

    So the other day I got a PM from Corporal McDick. He said that he agreed that we could use a mod and nominated me for the job. I said i'd accept, but only if it was cool with everyone else on the board, so here it is folks, do we want a mod? yay or nay. oh, and Tyra, we'd like you to mod...
  9. Thrymfal

    Eye Color Influences Drinking Habits! This explains a lot!
  10. Thrymfal

    Finally, a place Johan can call home This site is great! I've added winning the World Beard Championship to my list of things to do.
  11. Thrymfal

    So That's How they do it!
  12. Thrymfal

    I'm planning a trip to Europe, where should i go?

    Yes, i plan on going to Europe this summer,any suggestions on places good for beer, music and history?
  13. Thrymfal


    Hey Mr.V, congrats on the new baby!!!! Best wishes to you and your family!
  14. Thrymfal

    The Now Drinking Thread

    As i sit here all drunk and stupid, i see the picture thread the weather thread the now playing thread..but fuck that shit, bring on the booze! Right now i'm on my 8th Beck's (the best gas station sold beer in america)! so what about the other drunken norsemen(and women...i wont descriminate)...
  15. Thrymfal Denmark!

    The Minister for Ecclesiastic Affairs will allow Forn Sidr to conduct legally recognized marriages in Denmark. This group worships gods from the Norse pantheon, like their Viking forebears from the 8th, 9th, and 10th centuries. neat! I pulled that from a newspaper here in Florida. Cehck...
  16. Thrymfal

    An odd question for Mr.V

    Hello Mr.V, i guess this is a weird question, but i was curious if you could help me out in my pre-calculus studies at all. I'm having some trouble in the course and as i understand it, you're quite the mathematician, just a thought, if you arent too busy, thank you either way....