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  1. the polish bastard

    this Forum......

    this forum doesnt get used much , where do all the haunted fans go and chat????
  2. the polish bastard

    Does anyone know any other voaclist that was considered to fill Matt barlows place.

    Was there anyother singers considered or was Tim "The Ripper" Owens his first choice. I think Tim Aymar from Pyscho Scream and Control denied would have been and awesome replacement. Aymar has more Depth to his voice and would have been killer to hear him sing old Iced earth songs.
  3. the polish bastard

    We need Borknagar News!!

    Im growing impatient, please tells us some news about the New Broknagar CD and when its coming out?
  4. the polish bastard

    Im so drunk right now , whos with me !!!!

    MAn im so drunk , i just drank like a a 2-6 of whiskey straight any of you cool guys drunk < Cool! Hail Children of Bodom and PAn_Fucking _tera may they raise from the ashes a nd record another fucking album , Fuck Superjoint Ritual and DAmageplan none of them as good as Pantera!!!! vAve...
  5. the polish bastard

    Children of bodom jobs??

    i waas windering if the people in Children of Bodom make enough money from playing music in COB and not have to get a nother job when not touring. I dont think any of you know this but tell me if you do??
  6. the polish bastard

    Barlow will be missed

    Barlow will trully be missed , he was the voice of iced earth and its a shame to see him leave. So lets remember him on rememberance day for his amazing job he did in Iced earth. I dont think tim ownes can sing as emotionally as Barlow. So lets hope this 'new" Iced Earth Still rocks!!!
  7. the polish bastard

    Stlye of New Children of Bodom

    what direction would you like to see Children of Bodom going in. None of there albums really are reall the same which makes me so eager to hear the new Children of Bodom that i expect to hear in about 12 - 15 months ( better be sooner!! ) and also what colour is the cd going to be, there running...
  8. the polish bastard

    Children of Bodom VS Norther

    wouldnt it be funny seeing a cd like Children of Bodom VS Norther and they each cover each other music. It would be kind of pointless because NOrther isso much like Children of Bodom which makes it hard for me to listen to them, i dont know if im the only one but are there people out there who...
  9. the polish bastard

    VANCOUVER show will happen!!

    Got my brothers ID and im of on Dec. 1 to see them. IS anybody else going to the vancouver show. IT will be a blast
  10. the polish bastard

    This ones for Janne cause i heard he going thorugh alot of stress

    One day there was a blind man walking down the street and he smelled oranges, so he bought some fruit. He smelled some pastries, so he bought some donuts. Then he walked passed a fish market, took a hard sniff, and said, "Hello ladies!" :)
  11. the polish bastard

    no , this cant be !!!!!!

    I want you guys to check out this band, Omega Crom from Vancouver, Canada. This band is straight up kick ass metal with influences from king dimond , halford, etc. The guys voice ranges from a blackish metal Rasp to a Straight up Halford. They also shred like hell. This band is no way as good...
  12. the polish bastard

    Bodoms New Vocalist ?

    if children of Bodom went the way of Chuck Schuldiner and decided to go with a clean vocalist and pretty much keep the same music as Chuck did With Control Denied, who would that vocalist be in the new Children of Bodom? MY pick , hands down , Sebastian Bach from skid row. HE has an amazing voice !
  13. the polish bastard

    Who would you guys like to see replace Ale as a permenent memeber in COB?

    Personnaly i would like to see myself replace Alexander because i have video games and the hatecrew attitude to become a memeber of COB. But i think it would cool to see Jon Schaffer from Iced earth just because he's such a great riffer.
  14. the polish bastard

    JAnne warmrn!!

    what are the chaces of you ( children of bodom ) giving me a a back stage pass , or putting me on the guest list for the vancouver, Canada show. I cant get in cause in canada you need to be 19 to go in clubs and my 19th birthday is not for another 6 months or so. So can i please get me in . Ill...
  15. the polish bastard

    Why the hell did mauldlin break up?

    what was the reason for maudlin breaking up? i've only heard samples of kayo dot but from what ive herad it doesnt sound as good