Search results

  1. \m/FRNK\m/

    APEX – fusion metal feat.members of Necrophagist, MaYaN, Apophys

    Hi there, We just started a new project called APEX. Our music can be described as a mix of fusion & (death)metal with spacy synths. Some people already compared pieces of our music to for instance Planet X. Over half an album is written now. Hope to finish it by the end of this year. APEX...
  2. \m/FRNK\m/

    MaYaN South American Tour 2011

    Hi all, MaYaN (on Nuclear Blast, feat. Mark Jansen & Simone Simons from Epica, Henning Basse from Metalium, Sons of Seasons, etc) will tour South America from 13 - 28 November 2011. More info about MaYaN @
  3. \m/FRNK\m/

    MaYaN (featured on PPUSA 2012) tours South America in November 2011

    Hi all, MaYaN (on Nuclear Blast, feat. Mark Jansen & Simone Simons from Epica, Henning Basse from Metalium, Sons of Seasons, etc) will tour South America from 13 - 28 November 2011. More info about MaYaN @
  4. \m/FRNK\m/

    MaYaN South American Tour 2011

    Hi all, MaYaN (on Nuclear Blast, feat. Mark Jansen & Simone Simons from Epica, Henning Basse from Metalium, Sons of Seasons, etc) will tour South America from 13 - 28 November 2011. More info about MaYaN @
  5. \m/FRNK\m/

    Marcel joins Symmetry at the Headwayfest!

    Symmetry will play the Headwayfestival on the 3rd of april joined by special guest Marcel Coenen!! He will replace Arnold, who has just left the band, for this gig. More info at and the official Headwayfest forum at UM ...
  6. \m/FRNK\m/

    Post vocalists here

    Yo let's try to help out SC!!!! If you know any (Dutch or German or whoever can make it to rehearse in Venlo)singer you can come up with and you think can cover André's vox, put their names here!! Or if you know bands with good singers or whatever... grtz Frank
  7. \m/FRNK\m/

    SYMMETRY Dutch ProgMetal

    SYMMETRY has finished their 3rd album "A Soul's Roadmap", we're waiting for the reviews in the bigger magazines, but the first reactions were overwhelming!!! Thanx to those! :) You can check downloads at : > 'Releases'-section > 'Media'-section...
  8. \m/FRNK\m/


    Hi all!! \m/ I've been posting here for a while but haven't properly introduced myself... Well, I'm Frank Schiphorst from Zwolle, The Netherlands, play guitars in Symmetry (progmetal), and music, mostly metal, is the most important thing in my life i guess.. You can look at my site for...
  9. \m/FRNK\m/

    Headway performance

    Whoooaaa I just got back from the Headway-festival in Holland where Watchtower performed. Let's share thoughts ;) For me it was legendary... :hotjump: \m/FRNK\m/ And Ron, Jason, Rick n' Doug; thnx!! Mail me for some pics ;)
  10. \m/FRNK\m/


    I'm curious what al of you UM-visitors think of our stuff. New album 'A Soul's Roadmap will be released within 2/3 weeks independently and then we'll see what comes along the road. 6 downloads available on our site ('Releases'). (or, without the annoying pop-ups...