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  1. J the TyranT

    Someone disturbed my slumber...

    One of the olds [me] has been awakened. First login in almost 9 years. Some of you Ive kept in touch with and/or seen around. To MOST of you: Sorry. I was a kid on here back in the day, so, was definitely kind of an asshole HOWEVER: Some fuckers prob deserved it, hahahah. Keep at it...
  2. J the TyranT

    Women these days

    Are they drunker than ever before? I just keep seeing and meeting girls with drinking problems. Daddy issues are one thing, but a constant cocktail of vodka/soda and adderall is fucking ridiculous. Anybody think they're getting WORSE these days? Maybe its just me, hahah.
  3. J the TyranT

    The infamous [not really] straight front/slant baffle Mesa Cab

    Didnt know these were as sought after by people in general as it was by me, but, finally snagged one from a dude... and its fuckin epic. Waiting on a deal for a new head so I just plugged my old combo into it [which has V 30s but its a fuckin open backed combo...] and even that POS sounded like...
  4. J the TyranT

    Motherfuckin RAP thread up in here!

    Just wanted to share: As a spic growin up in the NY, old skool rap was my SHIT. Always love metal, but sometimes just throwin down some beats is where its at. And NONE of this garbage new Lil Wayne shit either. Notorious BIG Wu Tang Clan Nas Eric B and Rakim Busta Rhymes Dr Dre Snoop Eminem...
  5. J the TyranT

    FSoT: Gibson Les Paul Custom

    1976, original HSC, as you can see there's a Duncan JB and 59 instead of the originals, and there's flush mount strap locks, but those are the only differences. $2000, and Im in the US. As far as trades: Looking to use the money for a halfstack, preferably EVH 5150 III or Engl Savage 120...
  6. J the TyranT

    Anybody else like making "beats" or EDM?

    This shit is a lot of fun I gotta admit, hahahah. Been spending a lot of time dicking around with synths and all that... trying to program some cool shit. Originally started as just an idea... something else to try and also try to get some beats to an MC friend of mine... now though, I...
  7. J the TyranT

    Just saw Van Halen live

    And after 3 songs it all imploded into some fucking mess.... Seriously... I was excited to see this shit.. Diamond Dave back in it... even without Michael Anthony [seen him with Chickenfoot] I was def into it... But holy SHIT did Dave crumble after a few songs... only sang bits and pieces...
  8. J the TyranT

    Small/Cheap FireWire interface for... rap?!

    Got a friend that wants to start tracking better quality vocals for some rap projects he's interested in... Ive got a Digi002 and Pro Tools and that's all im used to ever using, so, I dont know much about the smaller tools to recommend him much. Anybody got any recommendations? I've seen some...
  9. J the TyranT

    No firewire = think Im fucked

    Some of you may know my Mac took a shit like 2 years ago and Ive been assed out ever since... long story... but anyways: Ive got access to this Lenovo thats pretty powerful... cept no firewire... It DOES have an express card.. but its some shit called a MINI expresscard, and its through the...
  10. J the TyranT

    LA and Vegas kids

    Ill be in your towns this next week. Cmon out and get trashed.
  11. J the TyranT

    Any use for those hand strenghtening devices?

    My wrists and fingers begin to tense up after playing for awhile... Im sure this is fucking normal, obviously, just wondering if you guys have used any of those strenghtening devices or had opinions on em. Would like to be able to play longer... and yeah, I do keep playing all the time... just...
  12. J the TyranT

    Might be late, but, new ESP Hetfield Snakebyte

    Was checking out ESP's site today and saw these: Gotta admit... looks pretty cool, lol
  13. J the TyranT

    PRS SE models? Allender?

    Seen one new for $550. Picked it up, plugged it in, played for a few minutes. Seems good from that quick test. People seem to dig it... i'd rather hear some opinions from you fuckers. How are these PRS SE models? Im not huge on anything Korean made, TBH, but I've gotta pick up a couple more...
  14. J the TyranT

    Anybody down for a fantasy football league [American football..]

    No money or anything... just something to do. Lemme know.
  15. J the TyranT

    Lady Gaga is cuter in person

    She was just at a bar I was at... I guess after finishing her show tonight. Didnt even know it was her to be honest... just saw this chick walking around that looked like a cuter version of her.. and littler... a cute, little Gaga. Then the chick Im nailing got all jealous she was checking me...
  16. J the TyranT

    Guess its high time I learn some arpeggios [and tapping?].....

    Cuz Im awful at them... just terrible. I can pull some decent runs here and there... Im getting more acquainted with fucked up chords and scales... but I've got fuck all for arps and tapping... Anybody know some useful exercises or technique for getting acquainted with this style? Preferably...
  17. J the TyranT

    300 people on the boards right now?!

    What. the. fuck?! and stop lurking you fucking guests. Sign up and post something worthwhile
  18. J the TyranT

    Getting dumped during Bday week is fucking lame

    Psycho bitch drama for REALS yo. Girl confesses a love for me on Tuesday, and blows her shit on Friday. It was her Bday on Thursday, and its mine on Monday, so Friday night was her party, and tonight's mine... On one hand I've got some old friends I havent seen in fucking AGES coming out...
  19. J the TyranT

    Is there a better portable ipod speaker box than this?

    Im wondering if anybody's heard it yet. Its called the Boogie Box. Think I might scoop it up.