Search results

  1. Voice of God


    Hi everyone. I'm moving to Ireland in August and I thought to ask any recommendations/warnings for Ireland and Dublin especially from people here (There has to be at least one irish person here) . Bands, clubs, pubs, stores, anything worth knowing. oh, and I'm familiar with...
  2. Voice of God

    [Playtest] My views

    Ok. I still haven't had the chance to actually GM this thing, but I give my own views of the rules, so that I'm not completely useless. :grin: General ----- -I think the game needs a world. With just the basic rules, it's too... umm... narrow (for the lack of a better word). You have...
  3. Voice of God

    My Want/Trade

    WANT (if you don't have any of these, suggest, I might be interested) The Black League - Ichor 2LP Bruce Dickinson - Accident of Birth Cradle of Filth - Vempire Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane Edge of Sanity - Crimson Fantomas - Director's Cut Gates of Ishtar - Dawn of Flames...
  4. Voice of God

    Small mistake on Faith No More

    According to , Angel Dust should have 14 tracks, "Easy" being the last one.
  5. Voice of God

    For your line-up problems

    Hey, I thought I'd share a link to a great site that has really good details about bands line-ups and of the musicians relations to other bands. Click "Band Features"
  6. Voice of God


    Onkohan kenelläkään tietoa otsikossa nimetyn bläkkisporukan toimista sitten Northern Supremacy - demon? Toimiiko orkka enää millään tasolla ja onko ko. demon jälkeen tullut mitään uutta tuotantoa ulos?