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  1. The Bringer

    Tuska Festival 2011

    This will be Amon Amarth's only Scandinavian stop this summer on 24.07.2011. Amon Amarth, Amorphis, Meshuggah and Turisas as well as some other shit with more being announced at a later date. Shaping up to be a fucking good day.
  2. The Bringer

    Any News?

    Just as the title reads... is there any news on the Kalmah front? Has been quite quiet lately.
  3. The Bringer

    Quick Question (PODxt Guitarport)

    Which is better? I've been told they are both the same except for the fact that the software is on the PC with Guitarport and the pod with PODxt. So what are the advantages and disadvantages of having both? You can be quick and just list them. I'm going to be buying one of these two...
  4. The Bringer


    Well my new project is complete and demos are being sent out. It is black metal in the idea of Graveland meets Darkthrone with my own twists, turns and imagination put in. Anyone interested in a copy of the full demo (only a few songs are heard here)...
  5. The Bringer

    Darkthrone - The Cult Is Alive

    This isn't going to be much of a review. I just wanted to start a thread for discussion about this album/band. When I first received this album I listened to a few songs that I thought had interesting names. Then I just tossed it aside and went along with my daily business. Now I'm listening...
  6. The Bringer

    Spinefeast! October 20, 2006

    Pe 20.10., ovet 20.00, 12€, (-S-/K18) Spinefeast: 00.15 SWALLOW THE SUN 23.15 NINE (SWE) 22.15 KALMAH 21.30 NOUMENA 20.45 MALUMMEH 2 PÄIVÄN SPINEFEAST LIPUT 20e! Anyone else going? I need some people to drink with! :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
  7. The Bringer

    My 'Amorphis - Eclipse' Review

    I wrote this for a magazine back at the beginning of March but it never got published. ------------------- Those who don’t know Amorphis here is a very quick lesson. In the early 90’s the Finnish death metal act started their long and progressive career. Over the years they have strayed...
  8. The Bringer

    New vids at

    I don't know if anyone even comes here anymore... but anyways there are new vids at SYL and DTB ones. But they are all in RAM. :rolleyes:
  9. The Bringer

    Bane and Illusion some kind of black metal, experimental thing. Nothing to say except to check it out yourself.
  10. The Bringer

    Ankkarock 2006

    Just returned from the Children of Bodom show. It sounded MUCH better than when I saw them in Vancouver, BC back in November 2005. Some of those AYDY songs actually sounded abit better. Also the keyboards stood way out from any other instrument which is a huge bonus since I think the keyboards...
  11. The Bringer

    Gloria Gig (01.07.06)

    Any idea what time Kiuas hits the stage at? :kickass: I'm thinking about 00.30?
  12. The Bringer

    SoB Tuska, Tallin and Lake Bodom Tour

    Is today and I was passing through the railway station in Helsinki and I saw a group of about 6 kids (ages 15-19) all wearing Children of Bodom shirts and one guy with a Kalmah shirt. I guess it was those punks. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. The Bringer

    The New Black

    Now that its leaked, what does everyone think? I think it is much different than Alien. MUCH different. The drumming is incredible (as always, thank you Gene), the solos are shredding and the lyrics are great. There are just a few tones I don't like... "Fucker" is sort of a weak track that...
  14. The Bringer


    As I sit here with my beer and Turisas, I enjoy the evening... I was just wondering who else knows/listens to this great and epic metal band? Each song just blows my mind. :Spin: :Spin: :Spin:
  15. The Bringer

    Folkearth - A Nordic Poem

    Folkearth is a band I've heard mentioned many times and have had quite the trouble aquiring their album. But once I did, I was sure glad I went through the pain. Before you even listen to the music to know the epicness Folkearth is going for by even just the names of the songs. Each song is...
  16. The Bringer

    The OFFICIAL "ŵG I'M SO FUCKING DRUNK!" - The Night Out Thread

    Okay well last night a few of us went out and got piss drunk and had a great time at Corner Bar (I think, I didn't actually look at the name of the place). Anyways, I had a fucking blast! Here is the night re-created by some of the 136 photos we took last night: Yes yes, first we had...
  17. The Bringer


    Who said anything about a fucking tent?!
  18. The Bringer

    A Nigga Moment Hmmm... F.E.M.A.
  19. The Bringer

    Helsinki Roll-Call (Night Out?)

    Okay, those of us near Helsinki, this is our thread. Where are you and we should all meet up to drink beers and bash AYDY. :D I am in Vantaa. A 40 min bus trip from Centrum.
  20. The Bringer


    What happened?