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  1. Missiles

    Message to Nerevarerioigjergine

    Coda is an awesome band. :notworthy
  2. Missiles

    I'm back

    Dear CoB Off-Topic users, I've been away for a week so I kindly ask you to stop posting for a month or two so I can read all the crap you've posted. Thanks for your collaboration. Missiles
  3. Missiles

    I'm Alexi

    Yeah, I've been, you know, hiding this, you know, for 2 years, you know, but I, you know, think, you know, now, it is, you know, time to, you know, tell, you know the , you know, you know, the , you know, tru-youknow-th. Feel, you know, free to, you know, ask, you know, any questions...
  4. Missiles

    The thread in Esperanto!

    mi onklo dispon oni kamiono
  5. Missiles

    Chuck Norris facts on TV read by... Chuck Norris!

    Behold!! :notworthy
  6. Missiles

    The end of the world
  7. Missiles

    Childhood belief's website

    Weee! Check this websitez0r! People there post their own childhood's believes, and you can add your own as well. There are some cool ones. :D When I was little, I used to think that people don't smell my farts whenever I hold my breath in. I once believed that...
  8. Missiles

    The Official "Use your head" thread

    Oh yeah! Write your nick with your head, and see what happens, here's mine: ki90903e3e8iom34we :lol::lol::lol:
  9. Missiles

    1355th post!

    Oh yeah, I'm so cool and un-n00b. :cool:
  10. Missiles

    The Official "More than 4 lines per post" Thread

    Due to the hard times of senseless spam that we are experiencing this last days, I think I would be a wonderful idea to make a thread where intellectually talented people like Bodomit... where intelectually talented people could post lots of polysyllables. It can be funny to spam this way...
  11. Missiles

    Pulp Fiction c0ver

    Due to the fact that nobody gives a shit about the "Owns Recordings" thread, and my needs of showing off, here you have my crappy cover of da Pulp Fiction theme. Weee! :loco:
  12. Missiles


  13. Missiles

    Tr00 Brazilian Metal :rock: :rock: :rock:
  14. Missiles

    How many times a day do you push the refresh button?

    Due to the spam activity detected in this forum ( and the fact that nobody answers to my posts) I would like to know how much do you contribute to the bandwith destruction of this forum. Vote!
  15. Missiles

    The iThread: The Thread for Mac users

    Weee! This is a thread for tr00 Mac users ( you're out BloodyScalpel, poor wannabe :D ) . Post screenshots of your überfashion desktops, docks, dashboards or just post something related with Apple. We could make a Carracho server too, hmm... :blush: :wave:
  16. Missiles

    The origin of the "Pirates VS Ninjas" culture I knew about the existence of Him, but I didn't know about the connection between Him and Ninjas and Pirates. This is serious shit. :hypno:
  17. Missiles

    My uncle has a truck

    That's it.
  18. Missiles

    Rock like a Japanese ( with a Fender ) It made me feel happy. WHOOAOAAASHAHAHAAHAAAHAHH1!!!!!:hotjump:
  19. Missiles

    I've got a new friend.

    He's called Encarta, he's always online and he answers to all my questions. :) Add him and have fun -> :D
  20. Missiles

    Behold my guitarristic überskillz0rs Bleh, I know it sucks but I just wanted to show off. ( The noise of the pick is awesome ).