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  1. Analog_Kid

    New Odin's Court Album Coming Soon

    It has been a LONG time since I posted anything here on UM but I was a regular for quite a while many years ago. After a lengthy absence, I'm on here to get a little,(much deserved) hype going about the upcoming Odin's Court album - 'Turtles All The Way Down'. I've been working with Matt and...
  2. Analog_Kid

    Ghost Circus

    Official Ghost Circus Web Site Launched! Intercontinental Prog Rock duo Ghost Circus announce the lauch of the Ghost Circus Web Site! The site contains info, photos, downloads, and streaming audio from Ghost Circus' forth-coming debut album 'Cycles'. The album is finished and we're working out...
  3. Analog_Kid

    My albums are finally being released!

    After much much delay, my solo album 'When The World Ceases To Be Beautiful' is coming out on June 24! Ivan Bragin,(ColdDarkNord) did the cover artwork and did an outstanding job! Not to mention that Dan is noted in the liner notes,(along with Arjen Lucassen) for his inspirational contribution...
  4. Analog_Kid

    Fans of Devy's acoustic stuff...

    You may find some interest in checking out tonight's,(Saturday, July 13) world premiere of material from my debut album, 'When The World Ceases To Be Beautiful'. It airs, and is Webcast, tonight at 11:00PM Eastern Standard Time from Waterloo, Ontario, Canada on CKMS FM 100.3. Here's a link to...
  5. Analog_Kid

    If you liked the Swano cover I did...

    Tonight,(Saturday, July 13) llamaura has been kind enough to air the world premier of some tracks from my first full-length album, 'When The World Ceases To Be Beautiful' on her radio show. I recorded my cover of "So Long(Still I Wonder)" during the sessions for this album. The show will be...
  6. Analog_Kid

    Too little sleep, too many beers - Here's a Song!

    Note: Yes, this is posted on the Opeth forum but I thought all my fellow Swano friends might enjoy it too --- I wasn't originally going to post this... but what the hell! Here's a example of what happens when you take away my acoustic guitar, put my Ibanez in my hands, let me pick out a drum...
  7. Analog_Kid

    Too little sleep, too many beers - Here's a Song!

    I wasn't originally going to post this... but what the hell! Here's a example of what happens when you take away my acoustic guitar, put my Ibanez in my hands, let me pick out a drum loop, give way to complete insanity, and let me improv one pass each on two different guitar tracks. Download...
  8. Analog_Kid

    "The Cover Chronicles"

    Anyone have any more Nightingale/Swano covers recorded or near completion? I'm really looking forward to hearing more. As a side note, if anyone has a cover recorded and is concerned about the sound quality, I'd be more than happy to mix and/or master it for you. I enjoy doing it. Besides...
  9. Analog_Kid

    Funniest thing I've seen in a while

    ColdDarkNord posted a link to this over at the Swano board. Check it out!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. Analog_Kid

    Headbanger's Ball, WTF?!?!

    On Anthrax's Web site, they state that they have taped a segment for Headbanger's Ball on MTV... and they even display the old "HBB" logo! Does this mean that The Ball is going to be back??? Huh? I'm in shock! My teen years were spent eagerly awaiting Saturday nights when Metal,(I'm talkin' REAL...
  11. Analog_Kid

    Dan Swano cover

    Over on the Dan Swano board, some of us are contributing our own cover versions of Nightingale songs. I've got mine done first, a cover of "So Long(Still I Wonder) from the 'Closing Chronicles' album. If you want to hear this, you can download it from the "So Long cover" thread over at Dan's...
  12. Analog_Kid

    So Long cover

    Okay, here's my contribution to the contest mentioned in another thread. This is a acoustic version of "So Long(Still I Wonder)" from 'Closing Chronicles'. If you want to hear this I suggest you download it soon. I have no idea how long I'll be able to leave this on my part of the server...
  13. Analog_Kid

    How important are critic's opinions to you?

    How important are critic's opinions to you when it comes to buying music? Do you feel that a good review, or series of good reviews, are a critical factor in whether or not you buy a CD? Or, do you shun the critics and make up your own mind entirely?
  14. Analog_Kid

    Isolation in prime time

    There used to be static. Static in the air, speeding across cities and towns, then hurtling upwards and into the infinity that is space. A blank visual white nolse that lasted for a brief moment. And then, in 5, 4, - to silent countdown with hand signals - 3, 2, 1: A test pattern appeared for a...
  15. Analog_Kid

    Welcome back Lina!

    Welcome back, Lina!:D :D :D You were missed... even if it was just for a couple of days!:p
  16. Analog_Kid

    FAO blackmetalemp

    Check your PM's.
  17. Analog_Kid

    Musician topic: Music you hold "sacred"

    My producer and I had a discussion about this yesterday: Is there any music that you, as a musician, think of as "sacred"? What I mean is, you conciously choose only to listen to it and never try to learn how to play it yourself. As if actually learning how a artist plays their particular...
  18. Analog_Kid

    When things don't quite "click"...

    Just throwing this musical question out for conversation: Do you sometimes listen to a band's album and it just doesn't "click" with you immediately? Not that it's bad or you simply don't like it, it just doesn't push your buttons the right way at the time. Then, one random day when you...
  19. Analog_Kid

    Tomorrow's a big day for me

    At 10:00AM tomorrow,(Thursday) I go into the studio to start recording my new album, which will be the first I will be putting into wide release and genuinley promoting. I'm usually not this "up",(a.k.a. nervous) about recording but I have a new producer, lots of new material, and a new aproach...
  20. Analog_Kid

    Attention Oyo

    Check your PM's.