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  1. Hawng

    Not sure if ....

    Any of yall have seen it, or maybe you all have and I didnt. But I came across this by accident, and Its not the greatest sounding, but it was a great moment in history captured for all in the future to see.... Miss this dude and when I saw it, I thought maybe some day some of you old bastards...
  2. Hawng


    Its things like this that cause drama....let the drama begin!!
  3. Hawng

    I cant believe its been....

    17 years since I signed up for this site, and some of you old bastards are still posing here. I should come back and we can have heated conversations about the best way to get dietary fiber and how kids these days are stupid, cause back in my day...
  4. Hawng


    I came back after a couple of years to see what was going on on the old boards and was reading some of the old posts. I am embarrassed to say, I was wrong about a whole lot of things... So here's my apology... To the people who said that we were at war because of oil, I am sorry I called you...
  5. Hawng

    LOG Randy Blythe in Czech jail discuss....
  6. Hawng


    I just Downloaded the whole anthrax catalog, only to realize I didnt want to listen to any of I deleted it :hahamiddlefinger:
  7. Hawng

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas you humps :wave:
  8. Hawng

    Are there too many illegal immigrants in the US.?

    Are there too many illegal immigrants in the US.? 17% said yes 11% said no 72% said No Habla Engles. :erk:
  9. Hawng

    Just popping in.... say Happy holidays and crap. Havent been around these parts in awhile and I figured i would stop by and say hi, especially to Dead Lioness and CT thrash and the other totally hot chicks here <3<3<3 :loco:
  10. Hawng

    Socialism... one step away from communism

    [/B][/B] Since the Great Black hope has taken office, he has given money to banks, car manufactures and other financial businesses. It only seems fair to assume that when these company's finally fail, they will be taken over by the government in hopes of getting the money invested into them...
  11. Hawng

    Refuse Obama's Health care and you get a $1000 fine.

    So much for freedom of choice, you dont sign up, they take your money anyway. Socialism... for the sheep that need to be told what to do and what is best for them.
  12. Hawng

    Saw Testament last night......

    OMFG.... sickest show ever. :rock::rock::rock::notworthy:notworthy
  13. Hawng

    Happy Birthday Mr Milano....

  14. Hawng

    Heres a classic discuss
  15. Hawng

    SOD on youtube

    Billy stage diving off a PA stack....classic....
  16. Hawng

    A small problem in VA....

    It appears that the NAACP is seriously going out of there way to get a apology out of VA for........slavery. Yes, they say that the state of Virginia should apologize for enslaving blacks and making them work for the white race. If and when the uber retarded state of VA decides to give it to...
  17. Hawng

    What do you really think of LRD?

    Heres a poll to find out if the masses really want to see Lord Red Dragons stories and posts OR if our great and mighty leader who patrols these boards should make his posts disappear. Let me be the first here to say fuck him and his stories.:Smug:
  18. Hawng

    How would you feel if......

    I am trying to settle an argument. If your significant other had there own business and was traveling every weekend with the certain person they worked for and you come to find out that they had developed feelings for each other. He/she tells you that they have slept together, but didnt have...
  19. Hawng

    How would you feel if......

    I am trying to settle an argument. If your significant other had there own business and was traveling every weekend with the certain person they worked for and you come to find out that they had developed feelings for each other. He/she tells you that they have slept together, but didnt have...