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  1. Justo Peralta


    Sad news really, taken from - SAD NEWS Written on 13/7/07 Many of you have been waiting for sound, and we are sorry for the silence. We needed to be alone, without the hustle and bustle of the living. We are uncomfortable with the world, the industry and our...
  2. Justo Peralta

    Ulver videos...

    Been meaning to post this for a while... ...beyond other youtube videos posted of the rare (and poor quality) early 90's Ulver live vids, there's some other stuff up there now... ...including a German fan made video of "Lost in Moments" excerpts...
  3. Justo Peralta

    "Flores Man"

    For the cryptozoology enthusiasts and others interested... This has been gettin popular press recently, the hobbit sized homonid species discovered recently on the island of Flores, between New Zealand and Indonesia proper. Skeletal remains demonstrate an adult "Flores 'Man'" is even smaller...
  4. Justo Peralta

    What does google think of you?

    has anyone checked this out? i must be far too easily amuzed tonight
  5. Justo Peralta

    Do you know Mick Moss?

    Again, from What does google think of Mick Moss? mick moss is a 48 year old art school graduate and music industry drop out mick moss is a 48 year old art school graduate and ex music industry drop out mick moss is a 47 year old art school graduate and ex music...
  6. Justo Peralta

    Do you know Father Strangelight?

    Far too amuzed I am... What does google think of Duncan Patterson? duncan patterson is back duncan patterson is one of the high achievers from across the state that will compete nationally next week at the 2002 national landcare awards duncan patterson is...
  7. Justo Peralta

    Do you know anathema?

    I'm far too amuzed me think.... what does google think of you? what does google think of.........Anathema? anathema is precisely separation from the church anathema is sometimes used in this sense in the old and new testaments anathema is going to have a mp3...
  8. Justo Peralta

    Varg is dead, Burzum fans take to the churches in protest

    While waiting for thanksgiving proceedings to begin (delay due to power outage), someone else had posted this elsewhere... I just wonder if this ain't a hoax, those goofy black metallers...
  9. Justo Peralta

    Kayo Dot in Denver

    They made it across the "Great" Plains over to Denver, a long ass boring drive (though Mia said she kinda liked it). Tired from the leisurely trip, there were some interesting and frustrating turn of events with the show. The venue was kinda out of the way, under interstates, surrounded by...
  10. Justo Peralta

    speaking of Bush, republicans, and whatnot today...

    Weren't the same words told by Mr. Falwell last election season? ------------------------------------------------------------- Falwell says evangelical Christians now in control of Republican Party By Scott Shepard Cox News Service Sunday, September 26, 2004