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    Here are some suggestions that if followed will make this thread run very smoothly 1. One video per post 2. Keep chit-chat to a minimum 3. Please don't skip over any songs. All songs deserve a rating. 4. Rate videos 1-10; keep all reviews short 5. Try to play all youtube clips at highest...
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    The Collector's thread

    This is your one stop thread to let your inner geek out to talk about such things as ebay auctions, matrix codes, bootlegs, special hauls, reissues, help finding a cd, etc. If this auction is legit, it'd be one of the most nutty auctions i've ever seen on ebay...
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    Two dead in Walmart stampede

    A Stampede in America? WTF! Moving closer to the 3rd world, day by day,2933,458744,00.html
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    Craigslist strikes again

    funniest craigslist story i've heard in a while;pop Bank robber hires decoys on Craigslist, fools cops | The Social - CNET News In an elaborate robbery scheme that's one part The Thomas Crowne Affair and...
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    ego boost

    this is for all you sad, pathetic bastards(like me) cheer up, it could be worse
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    Meet Iraq's future dictator

    I really think this little fellow has the ruthlessness and wits to takeover Saddam's old position. This tike might even be the Anti-Christ that Nostradamus mentioned in his famous prophecy. Without further ado, I present you, THE DON OF GHAZ MAIN...
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    You laugh, you lose

    As soon as you laugh at any pictures in this thread, you lose. Feel free to make it harder for people to win by adding more. Let's see how long you can last! post your personal/serious pics in the pic thread and the funny shit here! okay, I'll start
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    May Sale

    First list consists of mostly mint, reissues. While the 2nd list are the few rarities. Everything is legit. I don't deal with bootlegs, knockoffs, etc. No prices are listed. Make me some offers and well go from there. I am willing to trade, but I have to warn you that I'm VERY picky If you...
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    Please, someone, nuke this world. I'm serious

    The earth needs to start over. Parents Fight Over Which Gang Toddler Should Join Police: Mother A Crip, Father A Westside Baller
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    Classic Death masterpieces

    I'm taking a break from thrash and want to check out early extreme metal masterpieces. Grave, Bolt Thrower, Necrophobic, Dismember, and Amorphis are some bands that I enjoy already. I need more.
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    All hail the techno viking!

    Bow down to your pale-spastic-giant overlord! Remember: Technoviking does not dance to the music. The music dances to Technoviking!
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    Drunk music

    What are your favorite bands/styles of metal while your sipping on the forbidden nectar? blackish thrash, thrash, and viking metal are definitely my fave styles. wino era saint vitus is also pretty damn good to get drunk too.
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    need similar bands to

    agent steel pagans reign sadus(early)
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    Grab Your Garmin....every boy and girl!

    Anyone notice Steve Grimmet in that garmin commercial? Apparently they made a video about it as well. I wonder if it's going to be on their next album :lol:
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    I'm looking for a pdf file about heavy metal

    I've done numerous searches but I cant find it. It was a 40 page college report about the history of heavy metal, and why metal never really "died" in the 90s. If anyone knows what i'm talking about please link me to the hosting website or email it to me at ensiferum2k at
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    Worst guitar solos

    I have yet to read a review where people talk crap about the albums solos. what are some of the worst solos you've heard. i'm drunk so excuse me for a shitty thread
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    What's are you listening to on halloween night?

    hallows eve and helloween here some doom and black will be mixed later during the night
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    Epic metal vs progressive metal

    which do you prefer?
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    What's the best metal you've ever heard?

    this thread might turn out good for a few pages before the trolls take over. so tell me what's are the greatest bands/albums you have heard. music so good it made the hair stand up on your neck. I'm still deciding, so you'll have to wait for my list(i'm actually waiting for dodens so I can...