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  1. Vex Loser

    So Wait...

    ...should we take it as a sign of hope that the "RIP" thread was deleted? A bit premature perhaps?
  2. Vex Loser

    New Katatonia album?

    Opinions? I'm two listens in and I would have to agree with the general consensus that it's their most diverse, densely-layered and progressive work yet. Very moving stuff, especially "Departer." This combined with "Woods IV" should make for an unusually gratifying month. :kickass:
  3. Vex Loser

    Paganfest 2?

    Anyone caught any Paganfest 2 shows yet? I believe the first 3 dates were in Canada. If so - setlists/impressions/etc? I'm so psyched about this - I'll be flying out to San Francisco for the May 16 date.
  4. Vex Loser


    Any fans of these Texas legends? Their new bassist/vocalist Ezezu is originally from Vancouver; last night over a bottle of Svedka vodka he explained to me what the whole Canadian tire money thing is about. :lol:
  5. Vex Loser

    PaganFest USA 2009: Primordial, Moonsorrow + more

  6. Vex Loser

    Hey David...

    Just thought you might like to see the two comments left on my profile in response to my decision to add "The Will to Give", both of which were left by very pretty girls I might add: "woods of ypres are one of the most under-rated canadian metal acts out there. the next time you have yourself...
  7. Vex Loser

    Happy Birthday to Mr. Gold

    Have a good one, laddy - I hope your day is filled with much metal, alcohol consumption, good times, and other such pleasantries. Thank you for continuing to be such an inspiration to the rest of us underlings out there. Cheers...:kickass:
  8. Vex Loser

    A Public Apology to Daylight Dies

    Aye chaps, I just wanted to apologize on behalf of the city of San Antonio for what transpired at last night's show. Here's how it went down: All the flyers for the show had 8pm listed as the time that the doors would open, so with one local support band, I figured that if I get there at 9...
  9. Vex Loser

    What Happened to the Profile?

    Hey David, I can't seem to find the Woods of Ypres Myspace profile anywhere, am I missing something or has it been deleted?
  10. Vex Loser

    Porcupine Tree in Houston tonight?

    Is anyone else going? I can't effing wait....
  11. Vex Loser

    Tool "!0,000 Days"

    Just curious as to what everyone's take on this one was. I dig the song "Jambi" very much.
  12. Vex Loser

    Question for David....

    How is that Gibson SG that you have? I've had my eye on pretty much that exact same guitar for a while now but I haven't spent much time playing one. If I can ever submit my tax information I will probably use my return to purchase one.
  13. Vex Loser

    CNN Article on The End Records
  14. Vex Loser

    November's Doom @ The End Records Showcase?

    Hey Lads....are you playing South by Southwest in Austin this year? Several local publications have you down for the End Records Showcase w/ Giant Squid and Tub Ring. The reason I ask is that, unless I missed something, it doesn't appear to be listed on your Myspace profile. Cheers....
  15. Vex Loser

    November 11 San Antonio Show

    *warning: very lengthy show report* Wow…..what a night. It had the potential to be a complete clusterfuck nightmare but it actually turned out really bloody well. The trouble started when we got there at 5:30. The doors were supposed to open at 8 and the venue was completely empty; no...
  16. Vex Loser

    Katatonia/Moonspell/Daylight Dies US tour

    ....starts tomorrow. Who's going? My band Vex is opening the San Antonio, TX date. :rock: Can't wait for this one.
  17. Vex Loser

    My Band Vex is opening the Nov. 11 San Antonio Date

    Fuuuuuuuuuuck yes. Who's going?
  18. Vex Loser

    Tour Comin' through Arizona

    Saturday, August 5th @ Bulldogz in Glendale, AZ Legions of the Damned Tour featuring: Avenger of Blood - old-school thrash from Las Vegas, NV on JCM records Godless Rising - blashemous death metal from Rhode Island on Pathos Records featuring ex-members...
  19. Vex Loser

    Greetings everyone

    I've been lurking here forever, so I eventually decided to post. The reason that I joined is simple, and rather obvious I'm sure: Katatonia is one of my favorite bands. I love everything they have ever recorded. So how is everyone doing? BTW, I play in a dynamic extreme metal band called VEX...