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  1. johnnieCzech

    This guy is a fucking genius...

    ...I mean Charlie.
  2. johnnieCzech

    Anthrax, Prague

    I saw Anthrax in Roxy, Prague (the same venue they played in 1998 on Volume 8 tour, it was full just like back then) after 6 years or so and had a good time although I have to say I might have enjoyed the previous show (in 2012 I believe) better. Joey was sure in better shape vocally back then...
  3. johnnieCzech

    New Spitz Update once again, Danny wants to change the world, but why on Earth does he keep that shitty singer
  4. johnnieCzech

    Volume M: The Threat Is Real At first I thought "he's kidding about the title, right" Anyway, I'm becoming more and more convinced that Dave Mustaine is gone. He's got nothing to offer. This song is just one of the many unmemorable, generic songs which he's...
  5. johnnieCzech

    Thank God Anthrax actually has guitars...

  6. johnnieCzech

    Kinda old topic but...SOE

    I know it's been discussed to death, but still. State Of Euphoria has always been one of my favourite Anthrax album because it was my FIRST Anthrax album, in times when I was discovering metal. By the time POT was released, I thought they actually didn't raise the bar. It always seemed a bit...
  7. johnnieCzech

    Psycho Dan is at it again...

    bring the beers and popcorn. This is gonna be huge.
  8. johnnieCzech

    Billy's rant and update

    Good! :flame:
  9. johnnieCzech

    Anthrax are coming to my country again

    ...on 11th of November. Didn't know that and didn't know they had an European tour. Sadly it's not Prague, but Brno, the asshole of the world, three hours drive. It's kind of smaller venue, if it's packed, it's gonna be good for sure. I have to consider it very deeply.
  10. johnnieCzech

    O/T Megadeth: Fatal Illusion What do you think? I don't know. Sounds like very typical Megadeth song, and I swear I've heard the same vocal lines in some of their older songs, can't recall which one it was. Sounds like Mustaine is ripping himself off in this one. Not bad but nothing too exciting.
  11. johnnieCzech

    O/T Lemmy Guess you have seen this video already, it's really terrible to watch :(
  12. johnnieCzech

    King Diamond on Anthrax

    Pretty cool! I'd love to hear what they could do together.
  13. johnnieCzech

    How come

    How come there is no life here? AS have released the album of their whole career and everyone is dead silent :yow: :lol:
  14. johnnieCzech

    Scott's new band with...someone from Armored Saint :-)

    ...unfortunately it's not John. But anyway guess this is what delayed the Anthrax recording. Seems like both AS and this will have the new albums out long...
  15. johnnieCzech

    Hellfest 2015

    Anthrax and Armored Saint in one day... hope they go one after another :lol: good lineup all the way!
  16. johnnieCzech

    O/T Among The Living movie

    Never knew there was a movie called Among The Living :-)
  17. johnnieCzech

    O/T and once again, the ass hole of the world fills the national news
  18. johnnieCzech

    O/T New Body Count

    I'm really digging the new Body Count album. Sounds to me as their best since Cop Killer. And the new Talk Shit, Get Shot video is hilarious.
  19. johnnieCzech

    Dan Nelson Interview...

    ...made by no one other than myself :-) he unfortunately avoided ALL questions concerning Anthrax, didn't want to say word about them.