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  1. D

    My Iconoclast preorder finally arrived...

    ...and this is an awesome album. Just like every single Symphony X album, it has its own voice. Yes, there are a couple of lame-o moments, but 99% of the album is pure awesomeness. Symphony X are doing heavy better than most bands who've only ever been doing heavy.
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    Bah at you all!

    Stop hijacking everyone's threads to whine about how you won't be buying the new album! Who are you to tell MJR and the others what they can and can't write? It's their band, not yours. Go cry elsewhere. If I posted about every single metal album I don't like then my post count would be...
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    Me playing Eyes of Medusa on Drums

    The video description says it all, this was a single take on a bad day when I didn't have much time, but it still turned out ok ;). Thanks to ... the dude on here who explained the pattern played by the guitar/bassdrum in the verse some time ago :) Also, King of Terrors: and Evolution
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    Opinions on drum part in DWOT intro

    Hey all, I'm transcribing the drum parts for DWOT and well... I have a conundrum. I have always played simultaneous strokes with my hands on the snare and 14" tom for the majority of the pattern, with the accents on the 16" tom. However, I am not entirely certainly that Jason is...
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    Rediscovery Part 2 Time signatures

    Hey all, I'm trying to work out the drum parts to the song but the crazy part around 6:08 is really doing my head in. The problem is that I think there are some /16th note signature resolutions to get a truly accurate pick of the signatures in that section, the first half I worked out to be...
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    Video of me playing Fallen by Symphony X!

    Hey guys, Here I am, playing drums along to Fallen. It's a great song! Enjoy
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    Classical Music flavoured like Oculus Ex Inferni?

    Just wondering if anyone can name me any music or composers with the same sort of sound as Oculus Ex Inferni?
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    New solo video!! Please check out and comment :)

    Now before people speak the obvious, I'll do it for you :). 1. I know parts of it are sloppy 2. Most of it is stuff I haven't 'mastered' yet 3. It's not musical. I know that. I prefer playing music to soloing, TRUST ME. 4. It was recorded on a Nokia E65. I'm sorry for the peaking...
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    What's the cheapest website to order PL in Australia?

    So far the only options I think I have are Utopia and JB Hifi Are there any Aussie websites with cheaper prices on PL, and I also want to get Planet X's Quantum album. Thanks guys :).
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    Awesome archery video and is that The Odyssey at the end?

    Well I was just perusing YouTube for videos of people using Compound bows, and discovered this: YouTube - Insane Archery Skills Is that The Odyssey at the end? I don't know if the orchestral part at the start of TO is original or not (excuse my ignorance) but it sounds very much like it...
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    New drum solo!

    Ok well this is the first solo I've done in a while, and it's definitely my coolest one ever. Amazing how much easier it is to construct a solo when you actually practise!! It's at and is at the top of the list of two.
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    Singer wanted... am I allowed to ask here? :)

    Ok well yeah... Feel free to delete the thread if I'm not supposed to ask but anyway *ahem* My band is trying to find a vocalist. We're not specifically metal as such, we classify ourselves as experimental heavy rock, with progressive, grunge and metal influences. We're looking for a...
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    Dissecting that drum fill at the end of the intro in the Eyes of Medusa

    Ok well I'm transcribing the drums for the Eyes of Medusa for my own benefit, and that fill at the end of the intro is really hard to pick. Anyone know exactly how it's done? I've looked at the MIDI of the song but while the author has done a great job I'm pretty sure their interpretation of...