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  1. The Apparition

    Check out former TM singer Mikes new project!

    Mike has collaborated with Stu Marshall (Dungeon, Paindivision) on a new project called Empires of Eden. Mike sings two tracks on the album Songs of War and Vengeance. Check out Mikes track "The Reckoning" on Mike sounds awesome on this!
  2. The Apparition

    Rituals of the Oak tracks on myspace

    Hour of Judgement and Drown the Wood in Blood have been uploaded to myspace. Drown the Wood in Blood features a guest guitar solo by Perry Grayson(Falcon, Isen Torr, Destinys End).
  3. The Apparition

    Hey Suedehead

    Why dont you go to sleep? Its hard work playing so slow. Doom drummers need their rest.
  4. The Apparition


    Hey Justice Impaled. How good are Toto? Have you seen this gig from 1979? This is just Hold the Line but theres a whole concert on Youtube of songs from the first two albums from this gig and they are just so damn great in this era! Bobbys vocals are on fire and Lukes guitar playing...
  5. The Apparition

    Samples from Transcending Mortality EP online!

    I have just uploaded some unmastered samples of the two tracks from Transcending Mortalitys new EP The Mirrors Eye. Check out and let us know what you think! The EP is due to be mastered and pressed within the next couple of weeks and will be...
  6. The Apparition

    Mirrors Eye EP Samples on Myspace!

    We have uploaded unmastered samples of the two tracks from our new EP The Mirrors Eye to our myspace page. Check out and let us know what you think! The EP is due to be mastered and pressed within the next couple of weeks and will be available to...
  7. The Apparition

    Rainbow Reunion!

    Blabbermouth reports the following news: former Rainbow musicians Joe Lynn Turner, Tony Carey, Bobby Rondinelli and Greg Smith have united with a second-generation Blackmore to form Over The Rainbow. Over The Rainbow is: Joe Lynn Turner (Rainbow 1980-1984) - Vocals Tony Carey (Rainbow...
  8. The Apparition

    Mournful Congregation News

    There's probably no one here besides the obvious few who like this band but this is big news and a road trip is definitely in store! For the first time in their history, MOURNFUL CONGREGATION will perform live on January 24th 2009 at Fowlers Live in their hometown of Adelaide, Australia. More...
  9. The Apparition

    New Judas Priest song! From their new album Nostradamus. I actually like it. I hated Angel of Retribution but this seems a bit more ambitious than anything they've done in a long time and Halford sounds great. Sure, it's a little cheesy but who cares!
  10. The Apparition

    Upcoming Gigs

    TRANSCENDING MORTALITY reunion show. "Insert date/venue here" Lets start the countdown. 5 or 10 years i guess is anyones guess?
  11. The Apparition

    Upcoming Recording News

    TM have decided to record a 3 track EP that's due out early next year. The EP will include the epic "The Mirrors Eye", which we have been playing live at most of our recent live performances. It will also include another new track and a cover. We can't wait to get into the studio and we'll...
  12. The Apparition

    New Guitarist Announcement

    ...or not quite. We have decided to continue on as a 4 piece. We feel that there's nothing much that another guitarist could really add to the band at the moment. The vibe and chemistry is perfect as it is and we really don't want to change that. A big thanks to all the guitarists who expressed...
  13. The Apparition

    John Arch appreciation thread

    I don't care if i'm the only person on this whole forum besides the rest of TM who thinks John Arch is one of the greatest if not the greatest singer who has ever lived. He sang on the first 3 Fates Warning albums: Night On Brocken The Spectre Within Awaken The Guardian There has never...
  14. The Apparition

    Jonathan Talan leaves TM/Guitarist Wanted

    Guitarist and co-founder of Transcending Mortality, Jonathan Talan, has decided to leave the band for personal reasons. We'd like to thank Jono for all the years of hard work and dedication he has given to TM and we wish him all the best. Jono will be issuing his own statement shortly. Any...
  15. The Apparition

    The Most Consistent Metal Artist Ever....

    Award goes to....KING DIAMOND! I recently bought the newie Give Me Your Soul Please and it's absolutely brilliant. I can't stop listening to it and it's one of the best albums i've heard in a long time. Then i realised that the man has SO many awesome albums. Fatal Portrait, Abigail...
  16. The Apparition

    Heaven and Hell last night

    Went to the Newcastle show last night and it was awesome! Dio absolutely kicked ass. He was on fire and didn't miss a note. I was also extremely impressed by Down. I have NOLA and thought it was ok but the songs really kicked ass live and their newer material was awesome. Phil has lost a lot...
  17. The Apparition

    Top 5 Guitarists

    Here's mine: 1. Tony Iommi (Sabbath... DUH!) 2. Chuck Schuldiner (Death) 3. Glen Tipton (Judas Priest) 4. Andy LaRocque (King Diamond) 5. Jon Nodveidt (Dissection) A big runner up award goes to Marty Friedman.
  18. The Apparition

    Whats Playing Now Thread

    Dokken - Dream Warriors
  19. The Apparition

    Mattt Appreciation Thread

    Here's to Mattt. He came. He :lol:. And now he's gone. Well miss ya buddy. This :lol:s for Mattt :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :
  20. The Apparition

    Corey Eves appreciation thread!

    After our mini tour with Anarion and a couple of great shows with Evergrey the time has come to bid farewell to our good friend Corey Eves who stepped in on bass at the last minute. If it wasn't for Corey we wouldn't have been able to play any of the gigs we had booked since Chris Griffins...