Search results

  1. Kutryer

    Awesome music!

    You guys are awesome! I'd love to see you guys live, too bad I live on the other side of the continent. And did you guys really get matching tattoos? If so, that is the sickest thing I have ever heard. I noticed that Christophe did your logo as well. He did one for my band, Sentient. Amazing...
  2. Kutryer

    Sentient - Metal from San Diego

    Check us out. I guess you could call us progressive metal. Our main influences are Megadeth, Symphony X, Nevermore, Death, and Opeth.
  3. Kutryer

    Band Name and Logo Questions

    I just have a couple questions, and I hope some of you can help me out. I have a band called Sentient in the San Diego area, and we have been playing a couple shows now, so everyone knows us by this name. Recently, we got a gig at a venue called the Jumping Turtle, and they mistook us for a band...
  4. Kutryer

    Band logo?

    Would anyone be willing to make a logo for my death metal band? We are called Avariss, and our music is along the lines of Death and Arsis. If anyone could make a cool legible logo for us, that would be awesome. We won't be able to pay, but if anyone feels inclined to help us out, that would be...
  5. Kutryer

    Krank Amps

    Is anyone familiar with these amps? I noticed that Nevermore uses them, and I love the sound that Jeff Loomis gets. I've been using solid state amps for a while, so I want to try to get a feel for what tube amps sound like, and the Kranks caught my attention. My friend suggested I get a...
  6. Kutryer

    Arsis - United in Regret

    Wow. This album is fantastic. Not the same as ACOG, but great in its own way. They definetly slowed down on this album, which is a plus in my opinion, because then it would just be ACOG 2. I don't think there is on bad song on this album, and I'm loving the harmonized riffs and complicated song...
  7. Kutryer

    Lamb of God's new album Check it out, they posted clips of their songs on. Its actually not that bad, I was surprised. After hearing Redneck, I thought they had gone down the shithole (some would claim they have been there...
  8. Kutryer

    Gigantour 2006 ANNOUNCED! Oh my god I almost creamed myself. Opeth, overkill, megadeth, and into eternity on the same bill. :kickass: :rock: :rock:
  9. Kutryer

    The Unholy Alliance...

    I just went 2 days ago. And I wasn't impressed at all. The concert was at the Sports Arena, which is known for its terrible sound, but I don't think that was the problem. The first two bands, Thine Eye's Bleed and Mastodon.... :Puke: . I couldn't stand either of them. Then Children of Bodom...
  10. Kutryer

    Wall of Death

    The craziest thing I have EVER seen. :OMG:
  11. Kutryer

    What do you use to record?

    I use a Korg pandora PXR4 just to record random riffs, a DR-880 for drums and bass, then I use Guitar Tracks Pro 3 to put it together. :goggly:
  12. Kutryer

    Just got a new jackson

    Oh man its fucking awesome. Its a USA made soloist with a floyd rose. I don't like floyd roses as much, since its a pain in the ass to tune, but other than that, its an awesome guitar. Cost me $1,400, which isn't bad, considering I was looking at an Ibanez JEM instead. :rock: :rock:
  13. Kutryer

    Playing in front of stores, etc...

    Just wondering, has anyone ever done this to make a bit of extra money? Just sitting in the mall, on a random bench, put up your guitar case, and start playing? It seems kind of fun. I'd like to try it this summer, because I can't get a job (I'm only 14), and I'll probably be really bored. You...
  14. Kutryer

    Slayer Concert

    Is anyone going? Because I was born way to late, I've never gotten to see them, so I'm going to the San Diego Sport's Arena on 6/6/6 :rock: . I don't really like any of the other bands very much (Except Lamb of God, I really like their drummer), but I think its worth it to see Slayer.
  15. Kutryer


    are there any places I can get a vintersorg shirt besides the focusing blur? :)
  16. Kutryer

    No album :(

    Man, my local record store still hasn't gotten the new album, so I told them to order it, and say it will take about two weeks... and I can't order off the internet cause my mom won't let me use her credit card. Life is tough.
  17. Kutryer

    Classical Guitar

    Can anyone suggest a good classical guitar in the $300 - 400 price range?
  18. Kutryer

    Jazz fusion guitarists?

    I love jazz fusion, but I need some more. I have a bunch of Al Dimeola, scott henderson, frank gambale, mike stern, and robben ford. anyone know any others?:)
  19. Kutryer

    Drum Machines

    I am planning on getting a drum machine, but I can't decided on which one to get. I'm am leaning towards the Boss Dr Rhythm DR-880, but it's going to take some time to save up for, and I was wondering if the DR-670 would satisfy. I am an intermediate guitarist, and I want a versatile machine...
  20. Kutryer


    Is this a good recording software to use? I just got a new Powerbook "12 and it came with it.