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  1. 0bsolum

    Any news?

    Guys, I know you're all probably busy with your lives and everything, but the last news entry on the official website reads "27.11.2011 - Pyramaze announce new lineup and commence recording new album"... that's nearly 3 years old. Surely there's some news to give us? I don't know if there are...
  2. 0bsolum

    Matt Barlow's new band

    ASHES OF ARES So, this got me thinking... Back in 2003 or thereabouts, Matt says he's leaving Iced Earth to pursue a career in law enforcement, right? Then, in 2007 or so Pyramaze asks him if he wants to sing on their new album, and he says yes. Jon hears that Matt is back into the music...
  3. 0bsolum


    And as long as I'm here recommending bands I might as well mention these guys. Beware, this is a long way off from Pyramaze's sound and not my usual taste but these guys really rock things up. Some of you may remember Blistered Earth, who put out one full-length album that played thrash metal...
  4. 0bsolum


    Ya know, I'm a bit surprised that this band hasn't been mentioned here on this forum 'cause I know there's at least one dude from the old Winterfell forums here (I'm looking at you, Iced_Dog), and I'd think you'd know that while Robb has put Winterfell on a hiatus (whether or not it's a...
  5. 0bsolum

    Google+ Invites

    I'm guessing anyone who wanted one already got one, and those who don't know what Google+ is will probably not be interested in getting one but anyways... if anyone wants one, gimme a shout :muahaha:
  6. 0bsolum, easy clickable smileys and emoticons for messageboards.
  7. 0bsolum


    Hello, how's y'all doin' ? :wave: Yesterday I remembered that Iced Dog mentioned Pyramaze a few times on the Iced Earth board, and I thought I'd give them another listen. I'd listened to their samples a little over a year ago or so, but hadn't bothered to look into them any further. When I...