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  1. Gavin

    my flight 666 painting

    I did this painting of the flight 666 DVD cover. I took out the trucks and added Eddie :lol: Its oil on canvas. What do you think ?
  2. Gavin

    its been a long time since i have been here. these are a bit of a laugh.
  3. Gavin

    Gigantour Sydney!

    Wow, Megadeth's performance last night at Gigantour was one of the best metal shows I have ever seen!!! Opening with Wake up Dead, and going through (not in this order) Tornado of Souls, Rust in Peace, Peace Sells, Countdown, The four horseman (what ever there version is called) and just...
  4. Gavin

    The Darkness. One way ticket to hell and back.

    What a disappointment this album is after the brilliant Permission to land. I can see that the band has tried to go for a epic theatrical sound but it just doesn't work. Has anyone else heard this album? It does have one or two decent songs but nothing to compare to anything on Permission to...
  5. Gavin

    Chuck norris

    <DIV class=OutlookMessageHeader dir=ltr align=left><FONT face=Tahoma size=3>CHUCK NORRIS When Chuck Norris has sex with a man, it is not because he is gay, but because he has run out of women. Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants. If...
  6. Gavin

    Tommy Lee Goes to College

    Tommy Lee Goes to College. Are they showing this show in Oz, Im not a fan of reality TV but this show is so funny. For those who have not idea what im Talking about, Tommy enrolls in the University of Nebraska, hires a designer to deck out the dorm room he shares with some geeky dude. And goes...
  7. Gavin

    2 weeks till ozzfest !!!!

    Me and my mate Dave will be attending Ozzfest in Seattle on August 11 I can't wait to see Maiden!!! I can't believe it, after spending most of my teenage years dreaming of this moment then losing intrest after the band barred Oz for so many years since BNW. Im fucking excited. I did see them...
  8. Gavin

    Im going to Ozzfest !!!!!!!!

    I am in Canada at the moment on a one year work holiday I havn't decided which show im going to go to yet but im definatly going :hotjump: looks like ill get to see maiden again after 13 years !!
  9. Gavin

    AC/DC big day out rumor

    People keep telling me that AC/DC is playing at the Big Day Out has anyone else heard this rumor?
  10. Gavin

    Delta question?

    I have just been reading all over the papers that Delta is tipped to win the Gold Logie. Fair enough but i was just thinking , Has she actually been on a TV show in the last year? If so it would not have been for much of it, so i don't understand why she is even nominated?
  11. Gavin

    Vice City V-Rock soundtrack

    Did you vice city fans know that all the radio station soundtracks are available on CD Im trying to get my hands on the V-Rock one 01. Lazlow 02. You've Got Another Thing Comin' - Judas Priest 03. Too Young To Fall In Love - Motley Crue 04. Peace Sells - Megadeth 05. Dangerous Bastrad -...
  12. Gavin

    I just passed my Microsoft XP Pro Exam !!!

    I just passed my Microsoft XP Pro Exam !!! If any of you guys have been through the stress of Microsoft exams you will know how stoked i am
  13. Gavin

    I just invented a drink, its bloody good

    Mix a quarter of a glass of Bacardi a quarter V (you know the green stuff that makes you go nuts) and the rest lemonade and some ice Awesome !!! :hotjump:
  14. Gavin

    Metallica BDO live set on JJJ right now !

    Switch on the radio ! 8:00 - 8:45
  15. Gavin

    Sydney BDO was rad!!!

    Fear Factory was pretty good, very big sound through those awesome speakers The Darkness went off, I think they made a lot of instant new fans yesterday and Metallica was fucking awesome Complete with natural lightning storm in the sky ! the set was very similar to the sydney show. Highlights...
  16. Gavin

    I can't read this forum at work any more !

    Because all you bastards write fuck and cunt your thread titles. my firewall blocks it.
  17. Gavin

    test- please ignore

  18. Gavin

    Flick of the Switch - AC/DC

    Why is Flick Of The Switch the least known AC/DC album when it is one of the best?
  19. Gavin

    John Williamson,4057,7298824%255E401,00.html It seems you can't go anywhere these days with out John Williamson showing up to sing Waltzing Matilda! Don't get me wrong, Im a very proud aussie but after reading that he sung it at the bali memorial service i...
  20. Gavin

    EMI copy controll sux dead donkeys balls

    I bought 'Dance of Death' yesterday in the city and eagerly put it in my diskman to listen to on the way home. Pity only 10 seconds of each track will play until the antishock memory fills up and then the disk stops!!!! Oh well i thought, i can wait till i get into my car to drive to my parents...