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  1. Seizure.

    Herder (sludge/stoner) pre mix check. Im half way tracking, and wanted to check what you guys thought of this mix till now, any comment apreciated! X JB ^^
  2. Seizure.

    Isis/Neurosis rip off/sunday boredom ton of delay, ton of verb haha Microtubes B3k on guitars too actually!
  3. Seizure.

    New Herder, hows the mix till now? not finished yet, but would like some pointers if possible :)
  4. Seizure.

    is this too much of a tight fit for a rack? About the top rack. Will this overheat or shouldnt i be too worried about it? thanks for the input!
  5. Seizure.

    Changing over a typicall snare sound.

    I allways get kinda stuck on a certain snare sound. Super short and attacky and with alot of midrange, and how much i try i cant really get away from it? Everytime some one here's a new mix of mine they go "aaahhh typical jb snare, heard it right away..." and its kinda annoying the shit...
  6. Seizure.

    The swansong of DrDoom, my old grindband. Were releasing the full length thru hammerheart records on 23 april, and then its over and out for drdoom. Hope you like what we did. Fun thing is, that the first mix i ever posted here was the first drdoom demo :)...
  7. Seizure.

    Harddrive problem, best solution? spinrite maybe?

    yo dudes, I ran into a Unmountable Boot Volume, bluescreen. Whats my best bet into fixing this? At the moment im running spinrite, but it seems to run waaayyy long. I have most on back up, but i wouldnt mind not loosing the stuff i have on there :( Anyone had the same problem...
  8. Seizure.

    Augmenting original guitartones with reamps and phase issue's.

    Just what the title says: Augmenting original guitartones with reamps and phase issue's. I got an original tone that i like, but just needs some boosting in some area's and i wanna give it that by slightly bringing in the reamped tone which has what it misses. But im having trouble...
  9. Seizure.

    Fucking around with some pedals (hm2/coron15/odb3)

    Checking my Boss Hm2, Odb3 and Coron15 pedal again... gotta say... im a dumbass for forgetting them a bit... Here's a ruff test.. Coron15 + Odb3 on bass (the coron is great for taking out that nasty high end on the odb3) Hm2...
  10. Seizure.

    My awesome girly electropop topic!

    My guilty pleasure, i love this kinda stuff, soo recommend me more!
  11. Seizure.

    why you do this .! depressing.... once again haha im seeing a trend in depressing reports about extreme music haha
  12. Seizure.

    My ass in the new Aborted video. I stepped out just after recordings and the festival tour, but this came out awesome, so i wanted to share this shiz anyway :) Hope you guys will like the new cd too when it comes out, wrote quit a bunch :) X JB!
  13. Seizure.

    Frisian blackmetal with B4. Didnt really mix it that well... it kind of a fun project me and my buddy did in between coffee yesterday. Track is called "Fortard Troch It Swird" , lyrics are in old Frisian. Cheers, hope you like it. JB
  14. Seizure.

    Anybody have Decibel magazine laying around?

    My band Herder apparently got a good review in it. But for the love of god i cant find the mag ANYWERE. :( So if anyone has it and can scan the review, that would be amazing! I didnt even read the damn thing yet haha Thanks upfront if anyone is willing :) X
  15. Seizure.

    Postrock stuff i did some months ago. Lemmy know what you think.
  16. Seizure.

    New Doom/Stoner mixes, your feedback? New Herder. With members of urfaust and aborted.. Edit: another song, Some feedback before...
  17. Seizure.

    Herder (stonerrock)

  18. Seizure.

    Hardcore (trashtalk/biohazard kinda) Spew your filth on it if you like :) NO click track haha, and its noticable. 5150 no tubescreamer on guitars. drums is: Sansamp and fender on bass. sm7/goldenage73/la2a knockoff/rme on vox. Cheers, JB!
  19. Seizure.

    Girlie britpop stuff.

    maybe not the best forum to post it haha, but i since im still a longhaired metal fool doing this kinda stuff i guess i kinda in the right place? haha How does this sound? They needed a song fast after a local dude fucked up...