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  1. IceSage


    Just this past week I was introduced to some of Marius' solo stuff through his myspace site (good stuff, by the way) and it's got me thinking. How did you guys hook up? I'm guessing it was through an advertisement/audition deal, but did you guys know eachother before then? Tell us a little...
  2. IceSage


    No need to cringe, Matt. ;) Since I always see the Yeti guys at your shows (what better advertising is there than that?), I think about their music every time I see you guys live. So I've been listening to their music quite a bit lately and even ordered some of their merch, believe it or...
  3. IceSage

    "Tales of Sullen Eyes" re-release

    Just wondering if Fear-Dark has given you guys a release date yet.