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  1. Noumenon

    Repair bill

    So... A few years ago a friend borrowed my ENGL savage 120 and it broke. Boy it broke. Turned it in for repair one week ago (been broke up until now) and today they called to tell me it was completly blewn, not sure what happened. Anyway it will cost 5900sek to repair it, still worth it though...
  2. Noumenon

    Studio now official with website and all.

    Cheerio. Just uploaded the website for my studio: Feel free to like me on FB and I'll return the favor ;P
  3. Noumenon

    Should I get a contract for my clients to sign?

    I tried searching for this, but didn't really find anything. Do you ppl here make your clients sign contracts before starting on a project? If so, what do you have in the contract? Perhaps someone is nice enough to show me an example of their contract?
  4. Noumenon

    The death of

    So, now that it seems that has abandoned the URL-linking, what will you guys use instead? I know there's, but they are us only. And I really want to avoid hosting my own flashplayer. The URL pasting was so much easier. Thoughts?
  5. Noumenon

    Recorded a friends song.

    Did some recording this weekend, what do you think? Glenn - Song 1 Did I mention that he's a big fan of Journey? ;) BTW. This is my ENGL Savage 120 and guitar hacks impulses and Superior 2.0.
  6. Noumenon

    Removing vox, the other way around?

    Soo, when stealing dialogues/monlogues from movies etc, there's almost always this crappy music behind it. Do you have any tricks or such to remove as much as possible? Atm I filter out some high and lows, and then an expander. But you can still hear some of the music, which mostly drowns away...
  7. Noumenon

    File formats etc...

    Not really sure where to put this, so admins please move it if necessary. Anyway; I'm planning on releasing my album for free on the net. Thinking of several versions (192kps, 320kps, vbr, lossless etcetcetc) and a pdf-booklet. The questions are, what formats/bitrates should I make them and...
  8. Noumenon

    "Copying" sound.

    I'm trying to make the Superior 2.0 drums sound like the latest Shining release. Drum by drum. But as usual I'm stuck at the first one, I can't for the life of god get that snare to sound the same. Ok, the compression is not the same etc, but I can't hear what freq. are boosted/cut. Before you...
  9. Noumenon

    Superior 2.0 test

    Did this test with S 2.0, and I'm kinda stuck. Some of the cymbals really suck, too loud compared to the rest, but I need a break now :S Låt 1 Everything is done inside S2.0, the only thing after that is low/high pass on the whole mix and a tiny limiter.
  10. Noumenon

    Stuff from my solo project.

    What do you think of this rough mix? Galenskapens Käftar
  11. Noumenon

    The HIFI world just reached new "heights" :S

    check out the price for that thing...
  12. Noumenon

    Optical SPDIF to Analoge TRS.

    So, I'm in need of a unit that simply converts my optical in/out of my PowerMac G5 to regular analoge tele. Pref. splitting the stereo connections to two mono connections pre in/out. Ideas?
  13. Noumenon

    Some ENGL shit with me on vox.

    Scary shit. The first time I record my own singing. It's hard to do it tight. lol. Anyways, here is it: Du, Arkitekten Till Mitt Vansinne I'm really fond of the balance between bass/guitar. really fits the sound.
  14. Noumenon

    ezdrummer hihat

    How do you guys make the hihat from the dfh expansion to sound decent?
  15. Noumenon

    Slate Guitar EQ-thread?

    Where's this old thread? Can't find it :(
  16. Noumenon

    Another ENGL Sample

    Used my ENGL on everything. 2 tracks of guitar. bass divided into line(lpf)/ampeg svx+engl(hpf). ezdrummer with kick/snare replaced with the sneap gogs. what do you think? Flesh
  17. Noumenon


    I quit my band this week. Didn't feel like it was fun anymore.... Now it's back to the mac and just write write write. Love that more than playing with ppl and having gigs, altough that fun too. Just not as much fun.
  18. Noumenon

    ENGL Savage

    Don't know if you listened to the clip I posted in my old thread "Send Me An ENGL", but here is the same clip. Just my 2 tracks of the Savage (rhythm, clean and lead), no bass. I don't really like the sound, might be too much gain. I used the darkane setting that their guitarist posted, but with...
  19. Noumenon

    Setting up drums and microphones.

    We're about to go into the studio to record the drums. How long do you recon it will take to setup a drumset with 4 toms, 1 kick, 1 snare, triggers on everyone plus top/bottom mics and then the oh: 2 china, 2 crash, 1 ride, 1hh, 1 bell & 1 splash?
  20. Noumenon

    Send Me An ENGL

    This sight faced me when I got home from work today. The excitement rises... Look, lights! :D