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  1. EagleFlyFree


  2. EagleFlyFree

    yes i am

  3. EagleFlyFree

    I have an idea

    But I'm not telling.
  4. EagleFlyFree

    the abstract google images thread

    ok we had some games involving posting pics, but now we're gonna totally abstract. in this thread, the only language allowed is that of pictures. i'll start by heartily saying: edit: and since that didn't carry over as well as i wished, here's another message:
  5. EagleFlyFree

    picture association (NEW! HIP! jump in)

    so this is a kind of word association, only that it's not. it's more like picture association; someone posts a pic, and the next person looks up in google images for a word sparkled by the previous pic, and posts the first picture that came up. link to google images example flow chart...
  6. EagleFlyFree

    important messager

    with drums and guns and guns and drums falooooo, faloooo with drums and guns and guns and drums falooooo, faloooo with drums and guns and guns and drums the enemy nearly slew ya my darling dear you look so queer, johnny i hardly knew ya .... discuss.
  7. EagleFlyFree

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY chuck norris!

    happy birfday to our FAVORITE FAD EVER!! he's 66 today.
  8. EagleFlyFree

    the post-a-secret thread

    itt, we post a secret no one knew about. i'm jewish, i don't think i told that to anyone here. i'm cool with the jokes, though i know i couldn't stop them anyway.
  9. EagleFlyFree

    HAY GUYS i made a photochop

    it's got chuck norris! haha get it, chuck norris playing guitar!! LOLOLOL BEST THREAD EVAR :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :worship::worship::worship::worship: :worship::worship::worship::worship: stay tuned for 15 more threads like this. SOON ENOUGH! yeah i know i'm too good for myself. ps...
  10. EagleFlyFree

    and since gavin fucked up the name of his other other thread

    let's carry on here.
  11. EagleFlyFree

    petition to ignore this user

    alexirainbowwhatever, let's not shake up every thread calling him gay and all; he's probably a 2nd account, by someone not too subtle. let's just not play his game so he goes away and the usual stupidity can ensue, thxbbq
  12. EagleFlyFree

    musical discoveries

    name bands you found about recently that totally blew your head off. me: Sikth (some absolutely whackass blend of black and progressive metal that goes to all extremes, both fast and slow, and spastic and melodic, it defies all description) Arcana (ambient folk, i'm always looking for stuff...
  13. EagleFlyFree

    funny fuck ups

    list big "oh shit" moments, go! so i work in a computer lab in my university, and that means the one of the same labs that's used for class etc. and i was trying to wet my ink pad straight from the ink bottle. i pressed the pad against the neck and turned them upside down. aaand... a few...
  14. EagleFlyFree

    gg brazil ^__^

    por el culo!!! 3 a 0 en el primer tiempo ya
  15. EagleFlyFree

    treat your mother right! warning, contains explicit 80's cheese
  16. EagleFlyFree

    attn: people that's staying home tonight

    let's get pissed together. cheers!
  17. EagleFlyFree


    my name is PIZZA!! i'm all coated in cheese and olives. tasty! YEAH! and olive oil too so i'm all slick and shiny. who wants a piece of me?
  18. EagleFlyFree

    the world is curling up and dying

    though at this pace, there might not be anyone left to see it... first that tsunami, and last night a club burned down in my city during a rock & roll concert, and 185 people died :( and 700 wounded i was in that place for Edguy and Kotipelto earlier this year...
  19. EagleFlyFree


    does anyone know if she's fine? with all this tsunami thing and was anyone else affected for that matter
  20. EagleFlyFree

    1 guy quit cob

    ALE QUIT COB OMG he was in cob