Search results

  1. Snowy Owl

    I'm not an Epica fan

    I may get strung up for saying this, but despite the fact that I own two of their albums and think Simone Simons is a fantastic singer, I am just not a huge Epica fan. I think they are too overblown (some of their songs are too long and monotonous...and this is from a prog rock/metal fan!), and...
  2. Snowy Owl

    Recommend the Owl some new metal!

    Since Andrea and I have had our little "owlet" Lillian, I have not had the time to buy lots of new albums. The economy hasn't helped either. Due to that, I have been out of the loop! Here are some albums I plan on picking up in the near future Rush-Clockwork Angels Anything by DarkWater...
  3. Snowy Owl

    Find me on Facebook! Want to reconnect with the OSA'ers!

    Hey everyone, I've been checking out updates over on OSA's Facebook page and I am very impressed with what is going on. It's so great that this is still going strong after all these years. I would like to reconnect with any of you who are on Facebook, or new people for the first time. If...
  4. Snowy Owl

    A great symphonic metal band from Lancaster, PA: Cimmerian

    Since RFUSA is a loyal partner of OSA, I wanted to let everyone here know about an awesome symphonic metal band from Lancaster, PA called Cimmerian. Their debut EP is titled Awakened In The Shadows of Midgard and it is really worth a listen! I just know fans of Nightwish in the USA will dig...
  5. Snowy Owl

    Review of Deathanity now posted

    The review of Deathanity is posted at The link is here: Take care! I hope you can use it for a press kit or whatever. Sorry it took so long but I have a little one to chase around! Rock on! If this post needs moved...
  6. Snowy Owl

    My daughter Lillian Marie

    Yes, I promised pictures 1,000 times over. It took me awhile but now I have some up! This is my 13 month old pride and joy, my daughter Lillian Marie, or Lily for short.
  7. Snowy Owl

    Review of "Court Is Now In Session" now posted

    I know it seems like better late than never, but a review of the DVD Court Is Now In Session is posted on my website at It will be the perfect set up to a lead in for the review of Deathanity that I am working on. Have a great holiday, everyone in Odin's Court and I...
  8. Snowy Owl

    Our furry friends (the pet thread)

    Sorry I didn't post this much has been going on. On May 21st one half of our guinea pig tag team passed away. "Night" was 3 1/2 years old. We buried her in our front yard. She will be missed by her sister "Wish", and her owners Matt, Andrea and Lillian Bankes. :waah:
  9. Snowy Owl

    Official wrestling thread (for fans only)

    I figured I could start a thread on here for any of us who may be fans of wrestling (be it WWE, TNA or any of the independents). I'll start with a profile of myself and wrestling. Favorite WWE Wrestler(s) (RAW): Shawn Michaels, Mr. Kennedy, Triple H, Bobby Lashley (Smackdown): Edge...
  10. Snowy Owl

    Kicking myself for missing the meet-ups

    Hey guys, After seeing Zellie's pictures of the gang on their crusade of Philly and NYC, I am really regretting the fact that I was not there. Believe me, I would have went if I had known tickets were availiable and I had more time off at my job and more money. I haven't seen most of you...
  11. Snowy Owl

    We found out yesterday what our child will be!

    Hey all, Through the miracle of modern technology (ultrasounds are amazing!) we were able to find out what gender Andrea and my forthcoming child will be... A GIRL! In a few short months we will be the proud parents of a little girl! Now, I hope it will be a healthy pregnancy the rest...
  12. Snowy Owl

    Fountain Of Tears

    Hey y'all! A band you should all check out...especially fans of female-fronted metal and rock. They are called Fountain of Tears! Give them a listen and let me know what you think! Also, check out RFUSA and read an interview with drummer Joey Daub, who is also...
  13. Snowy Owl

    My wife Andrea is pregnant

    Hey gang, I just wanted to share with you all that my lovely wife is pregnant with our first child. It was a nightmare yesterday because of some things I do not feel comfortable discussing here, but I am hoping and praying that our child and my wife will make it through the ordeal safely...
  14. Snowy Owl

    Prog Power-How was it?

    Hey's been FAR TOO LONG! The owl misses ya! :( I was wondering how Prog Power was this year. I know Rick & Matt from Odin's Court went. Also heard you chatted with Matt Brookins from Odin's Court a bit. That is so cool, they are a great band and awesome guys! Rick and Matt both...
  15. Snowy Owl

    Still time to win a copy of ReDriven By Fate!

    Hello Odin's Court fans! If you haven't checked out our feature page on Odin's is the time! Also, you can still enter to win a copy of ReDriven By Fate! Just answer the trivia question and follow the directions! People who are in bands covered by us are not eligible, so Odin's...
  16. Snowy Owl

    Got something in the mail yesterday...

    ...sent from Odin's Court in Lexington Park. IT'S THE DVD! I've been waiting for this since Andrea and I stepped out of Jaxx on that amazing night. I got to watch it last night and I must say, IMPRESSIVE! At long last we finally have the DEFINITIVE Odin's Court recording/live performance. The...
  17. Snowy Owl

    Odin's Court featured band on RFUSA!

    Check out the Spotlight On... section of the Rising Forces USA webzine for a big feature on Odin's Court. Check out the review, interview, discography, the gallery and the feature piece! The best kept secret in prog metal will be a secret no more. Go to and read it...
  18. Snowy Owl

    Odin's Court is the FEATURED band in the premiere issue of RFUSA!

    Hello Odin's Court and fans, Check out the Spotlight On... section of the Rising Forces USA webzine for a big feature on Odin's Court. Check out the review, interview, discography, the gallery and the feature piece! The best kept secret in prog metal will be a secret no more. Go to...
  19. Snowy Owl

    KIX to be playing at Jaxx!

    Just found this out on the Jaxx Website! Should be cool to see Steve Whiteman's old band kicking it out again. Can't miss this! I am wondering...will the mighty OC be opening for them, being Matt is a pupil of Mr. Whiteman? Would be cool to see teacher and student rock out on the same night!
  20. Snowy Owl


    Who all has a MySpace page on here? I know the band does, Rick does, and Keith add me if you would please. Thanks!