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  1. derek

    It's been a while since...

    anyone did this. I am not proud.
  2. derek

    Rick Perry.

    I know some of you are Texans or living in Texas, so what do you think of this chap and his possible run for President? What about the rest of you?
  3. derek

    Getting Married. Need to abuse internet friendships.

    So, I'm getting hitched June 3rd, and my fiancee's mother (same old story) wants to sent out marriage announcements, and, as *luck* has it, a friend of hers owns a printers and so is ready to go and print the mother truckers. Unfortunately, all the stock designs looks AWFUL and so that's...
  4. derek

    Gary Moore.

    Gary Moore died in his sleep early this morning while on holiday in Spain. He was only 58. Sad stuff.
  5. derek

    Work Out Thread.

    I know some of you dudes are into working out and being healthy generally. I'm not especially into programs, but I do love hitting the gym. I usually go three times per week for around two hours and split it to 1.5hrs weights and 0.5hrs interval training cardio work. I do full body, but...
  6. derek


    Anyone watching it? I saw the pilot ages ago and it was pretty good. I have the next two episodes stored and ready to rock but I can't quite get round to sitting down with them. Is it any good?
  7. derek

    Awesome Scots.

    It was coming...
  8. derek


    Moon didn't really get too much support or distribution but I finally managed to watch it yesterday and I recommend the hell out of it. Best chunk of Sci-Fi to hit cinemas in a long while. It's idea driven, and really quite excellent. It plays off, rather than copies, Solaris (both versions)...
  9. derek

    The New A-Team... Kinda interesting.
  10. derek

    I just MAXXED in my pants.

    Got a lot of free time there buddy?
  11. derek

    Dokken is a virus that wants to attack your chicken...

    I'm not sure if this is really good or really bad.
  12. derek

    Tongue Twister: Ted Kennedy's Dead.

    Lot's of eulogies coming out of Washington, not too much criticism as yet. Your hallowed leader called him the "Greatest and bestest Senator ever in the history of the world, nay the UNIVERSE". (I'm paraphrasing). I know you're all politically minded. Thoughts?
  13. derek

    Science proves Zombies would herald the end of civilisation.

    I laughed into my morning tea. Weird article. Full article here. :)
  14. derek

    District 9.

    For those even slightly sci-fi interested, I give you District 9: In fact, if you're even slightly interested in the human condition, it's worth checking out. It looks beyond awesome, and the word from the critical community is overwhelmingly positive.
  15. derek

    Believer - Gabriel.

    These guys got together after a pretty long haitus, and Gabriel is a pretty awesome record. If you liked them in the late 80s/early 90s, I really recommend the new material. Myspace.
  16. derek

    The Great Mexican Midget Murderer Hunt: An Update.

    Full story here. There is some absolute GOLD in this report. :D
  17. derek

    Hey Guys...

    Let me date your women...
  18. derek

    Death Star Invades SF...
  19. derek

    I need some advice...

    Some of you probably know I'm moving to Russia next month to teach Ancient History (and English on the side, for ze rubles). I've been offered excellent positions in two places: Tyumen, which is 2000KM or so east of Moscow and a pretty modern city with a great standard of living. The second...
  20. derek

    This needs to stop!

    I can't keep up with it!