Search results

  1. Salvatore

    Experiment Fear - Target Earth

    In anyone in interested here is a link to Target Earth, who are some of the guys from Experiment Fear or at least one of those guys. I think they are pretty cool, going to see them next Friday.:rock:
  2. Salvatore

    Dimarzio pickup wiring question

    Hi I need help So I figure with all the know how and brain power here you would be the dudes to ask. I have actually learned more from this forum than any owners manual or instructional video could ever offer, so thanks. Heres my problem, I have fixed up my friends old ass USA made Dean baby...
  3. Salvatore

    Kvlt Wrench made it on ebaums world

    Hi I dont post here much but Was just on ebaumsworld and noticed a pic, For some reason the gal looked familiar but I didnt know why. Then I remembered she was from here. Check it out. Image #9 Sal :rock:
  4. Salvatore

    Chuck Schuldiner Tribute Stealth !!!!!! :rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:
  5. Salvatore

    The Project Hate MCMXCIX

    BIG HORNS UP TO WHOEVER MENTIONED THESE GUYS BEFORE. I Downloaded their free song and it kicks my ass! Need to get complete CD. :rock:
  6. Salvatore

    Steves site down

    Just noticed his site is down. ?
  7. Salvatore

    Day Job?

    This is a stupid question but Does Steve have another job besides being a professional musician? We all have bills to pay and I was just wondering if Being in Nevermore and his online school are enough to do it. Or does he have a different color Ferrari for every day of the week and lights...
  8. Salvatore

    Something you don't see everyday!

    I posted this on the Death forum but no one ever goes there. :kickass: Check out the rest of the pics too! Usually metal chicks= spanex enormity. :lol:
  9. Salvatore

    Something you don't see every day! :kickass: Check out the rest of the pics too!
  10. Salvatore

    Hilarious gay bands list.

    I found this on the Andy Sneap forum. You may get a chuckle out of this. Check out the site too, These people are nuts. :goggly:
  11. Salvatore

    Loomis fans should check this out.

    Ginamarina's (a regular poster here) boy friend is buddies with Jeff. His name is Eric. They recorded this jam session together. I think it's called Lozenge or something. He also is in a band called Mandragora you should check them out too. :p...
  12. Salvatore

    Sleepytime Gorilla Museum

    These guys are worth checking out If you havent heard them before. They played a show here a few month ago I thought it was pretty interesting. The bass player plays a regular bass but also has this home made 7' long bass...
  13. Salvatore

    Song construction

    Hey Steve or others I was just wondering whats approach for songs others have written. Do you know instantly what your going to do when you hear parts of a song and just lay it down or do you sit down with recordings and develop bass lines. And how do you know when enough is enough? I mean when...
  14. Salvatore

    Bands with good bass players

    I need some motovation. Do you guys know of any Metal bands that have good audible bass players thats not all slapin funk primus stuff.?:rock:
  15. Salvatore

    Bass players. Distortion or fuzz box

    I would like to get a little dirty with my sound but not full on C. Burton style. I've checked into several processors and such, I was interested in the Boss gt-6 but it seems complex. Any thing you guys would suggest/
  16. Salvatore

    Another instance of Gayness forced upon us

    I don't read comix ever. But I thought this was amusing. :lol:
  17. Salvatore

    I need a bass amp, any you suggest?

    I just bought an Ibanez sr905. And now I need an amp head. I figure there are alot of bass players here so can any one make a suggestion. My budget is around $700. What do you guys have? thanks :rock:
  18. Salvatore

    So I'm selling my guitar on Ebay.

    Hey guys. I'm selling my Washburn guitar on Ebay. If your in the market for a Guitar please check this out. Its a killer Guitar. :rock:
  19. Salvatore

    Not your every day spam. Washburn Guitar on EBAY

    Hey guys. I'm selling my guitar on Ebay. I'm only making this thread because there was a thread not long ago about Washburn guitars. I bought this Washburn from Eric Mckenna at Boogie street guitars, Mr. Ian can testify to the quality product these guys have. If your in the market for a Guitar...
  20. Salvatore

    Bloodbath @ w.o.a 2005 ?

    I found this just now. I cant figure out how to make it work. But apparently its Bloodbath @ woa they are #4 on the list. If any of you computer savy types can figure this out let me know. :rock: Thanks