Search results

  1. J

    Amon Amarth

    Where is the best place to start with this band? I've heard some of the older and newer stuff, now listening to the in between stuff and it sounds good but all sounds sorta samey, except the first album sounds more raw to my ears.
  2. J

    Hello, please check this out (my site)

    Hey guys not trying to steal any of this sites thunder, because I love this forum obviously, but I made a forum about a month back, we have 58 users so far, and I'm just looking to recruit more people if anyone is interested here is the link: Very...
  3. J

    My metal forum

    Feel free to join and discuss all different types of metal, I will be appointing mods as soon as more people join so feel free to check it out!
  4. J

    According to the music I listen to...

    Reccomend me some bands and albums. This is my music collection: Joe Satriani - Surfing With The Alien Dream Theater - All albums Liquid Tension Experiment - Both albums Alice in Chains - Dirt and Facelift Dio - Very Beast of Dio Metallica - Ride The Lightning, Master of Puppets, ...And...
  5. J

    Buying CDS...

    Where can I find Opeth CDs for a decent price? Also some other bands as well?
  6. J


    Me some classic metal, to the likes of Iron Maiden, thanks.
  7. J

    Testament in Modesto

    I saw the date on their website, but couldn't find tickets online, any help?
  8. J

    Stupid People

    What is up with some people that think that Testament are a rip-off of Metallica? Testament is such a better band than Metallica, it isn't even funny. To me there is really no comparison other than they are both thrash bands from the 80's.
  9. J

    Testament - The Gathering

    I just got this album today. This is the first newer Testament release that i've ever heard. I have The Legacy, The New Order, PWYP, and The Gathering now. This album is so damn amazing. Will I enjoy the rest of their catolouge?:kickass:
  10. J

    About to make the best purchase of my life ...

    Well later on today or in this week, I will be completing my Testament collection.:kickass:
  11. J


    Who's going to see them on tour?
  12. J

    System of a Down

  13. J

    Slayer Appreciation

    Appreciate Slayer here!:grin:
  14. J


    Do you think there is a possibility that you will be selling maybe some zip up jackets and more shirts in the store anytime soon?
  15. J


    I hope they hit up some more dates in the CA area.
  16. J

    Testament Appreciation

    Show your appreciation of Testament here!:rock:
  17. J

    Jordan is here

    Hello all my name is Jordan and I just joined today, if you want to know anything about me, let me know.
  18. J

    Testament Reccomendations

    Reccomend me some Testament albums to buy.:cool: