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  1. T

    come on harvey put your money where your mouth is

    why isnt there a decent sized advertisement in kerrang or metal hammer advertising the upcoming uk tour there seems to be half page spreads for bands who in my opinion are fucking shite my chemical romance are headling download this year and from where im sitting its solely on the fact that...
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    Best Album of last year (edguy.... Rocket Ride)

    I first got introduced to this band by my brother bob whilst he was visiting us when we were living in spain the album he brought me to listen to was hellfire club but Rocket ride is there latest ROCKET RIDE Track listings 1 Sacrifice 8.01 2 Rocket Ride 4.47 3 Wasted Time 5.47 4...
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    carrying on the maiden theme (bit of fun )

    If you're feeling down depressed and lonely I know a place where we can go Sheffield city hall, meet a band that I know So if you're looking for a good time And you're prepared to pay the price Fifteen quid is all they have asked for Everybody go thats my advice If you're waiting for a...
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    tickets for sheffield

    Happy new year to you all just got my tickets for sheffield b30 b 31 and b32 i went to the box office in person as i work in sheffield hope to see you in the bar... is there any support on in sheffield it doesnt say on the ticket only 3 weeks to go.... yes 21 miserable days ........then...
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    new documentary

    maybe its just me and my distrust of the media but the last time channel 4 made a documentary about a heavy metal band playing in a pub was bad I think it stinks to be honest that the tour of south america was cancelled due to visa/recording comitments and then they treck to lincoln...
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    travellers in time at graspop (festival revue)

    THURSDAY 3.30 AM after packing the car and roofrack in a storm we left for dover on the first stage of our trip , ferry booked for 10.05 am so plenty of time to get there only 280 miles piece of cake..... THURSDAY 11.30 AM arrived at dover .... damn the M1, M25 and the bastard who just puts...
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    saxon at graspop

    hiya all weve just this minite got back from graspop...974miles round trip worth every penny and every boring bloody mile of motorway.... ill post setlist and review as soon as but saxon kicked ass ....... big style
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    saxon us tour idea

    as people have already said a us tour is probably not economically viable so why not get in touch with saxons management or some US promotors to see whether it would be possible to get saxon a place on the bill at some of your rock festivals that way then you would get to see em and a wider...
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    mosh pit at manchester

    thanks saxon for a great night this post is aimed directly at the fat bastard who thinks its fun to start a mosh pit during dallas 1pm i was stood at the front next to a nice guy with his daughter from london i looked to my left to see a fat 3 chinned arsehole basically charging and barging...
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    graspop in june here i come

    just ordered my tickets for the 3 day festival in belgium in june £85 can you believe it £85 frigging quid to see saxon helloween whitesnake motorhead edguy guns and roses y&t dragonforce michael schenker group and another 32 groups yes folks £85 including camping compared to £145 to go to...
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    saxon at bradford / nottingham

    Just got in and my ears are still ringing thanks for a brill set............... the band looked as if they really enjoyed last night and the sound and setlist were spot on......some really old songs which is great to hear especially suzy hold on ... nearly 20 yrs wait .... it was also nice to...