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  1. KeithRT99

    Car speakers suggestions.

    I'm thinking it's about time to put some new speakers/stereo and maybe a sub in my car. School me on good brands/and stuff. Unfortunately my car's speaker holes can only fit 6.5". Also, if I get a mono amp + sub do I need anything else? like a crossover or extra power/capacitors etc? I've...
  2. KeithRT99

    Build your own DIY ribbon mic I'm almost tempted to try it.
  3. KeithRT99

    Dimmu Borgir parts ways with 2 members. gay. People are saying mustis was fired over an argument over publishing.
  4. KeithRT99

    How does one do extreme vocals?

    I've been watching alot of you tube videos and stuff, trying to learn how to do brutal vocals/sceams/etc. None of them really told me how to do it, they did give tips about using your diaphragm to do the vocals and stuff like that, but I still don't really know how to do it. Can someone...
  5. KeithRT99

    GRRRR!!! why isn't the mastodon/dethklok tour coming to SF? Mastodon, dethklok, converge, high on fire. FUCK! that's a sick lineup. :kickass:
  6. KeithRT99

    Do you think I'm getting Screwed on ebay?

    I won a boss HM2 on ebay on may 9th, and paid immediately with paypal. The payment went through on a few days later on the 12th. The mailing specs said USPS parcel post 8$, which I paid. I didn't hear anthing form the seller until i contacted him, he replied on the 14th saying he shipped it...
  7. KeithRT99

    Rob Caggiano

    Does anyone have any info on Rob Caggiano's work? I really love the sound of Cradle of filth's Dmantion and a Day, and i was curious if anyone knew any of the production details, specifically regarding the drums. I remember a while back, there was info on that album on the cradle of filth...
  8. KeithRT99

    Some kick/snare samples

    here's some new samples from me. the snare is a pork pie big black brass. 57 on top, 414 on the shell, beta98 on the bottom. All into an SSL 6000. i can't remember which channels had e/g eqs. It was most likely E. the...
  9. KeithRT99

    I"m going to chicago...

    Anyone have suggestions as to what I should see, or do there?
  10. KeithRT99

    Gating Techniques.

    When do you guys use gates? how hard do you gate? how short? what don't you gate? the reason i thought to bring up this topic is because i find myself unsatisfied with my gating skills. I always end up frustrated. Especially when trying to gate snares. Maybe i'm just getting too much bleed in...
  11. KeithRT99

    More pork pie snare samples of mine

    here's some samples i made of my snare. I posted the raw tracks a while ago, but they kinda suck. These are processed and chopped, and i think they sound much better. They aren't super organized but you guys should be able to figue it out. It's a pork pie big black brass (black beauty copy)...
  12. KeithRT99

    pork pie 12" snare

    check out this link, there might be a few samples someone could cut in there.
  13. KeithRT99

    What's the trick to sample replacement?

    Hey guys, i've been attempting to sample replace some drum tracks and get it to sound good and consistent. The problem is, it doesn't. I have a ton of problems triggering rolls and fast parts. The original tracks are pretty tight dynamically, but when i trigger them it doesn't sound as tight...
  14. KeithRT99

    new in flames song i like it musically, but if this is close to how the album mix will sound, i'll be alittle let down.
  15. KeithRT99

    Quick clip of Digidesign Eleven amp sim.

    here's a rough clip i threw together. I used digi's new amp sim on all the guitars and the bass. I forgot to remove the click track when i bounced it though, but it's not very loud so it shouldn't bother you guys too much.
  16. KeithRT99

    New COB song I like it, it's not really a depature from anything else they've done recently though.
  17. KeithRT99

    what snare head should i buy?

    hey everyone, i'm gonna track some drums in a week and i need a new batter head for my 14" x 6 1/2" brass pork pie snare. what head should i get? I usually get a remo Controlled sound, but i'm willing to try something else. Is there a particular snare head that you love? I'm going to be tracking...
  18. KeithRT99

    Mac question.

    I remember reading in a thread a while back that you could run OSX on an intel PC, in a ghetto-rigged sort of way. What's the possibillity of this? If i were to buy/build a PC with similar, or the same specs as say a g5/mac pro, would it be possible to run osx or leopard and it be as stable as a...
  19. KeithRT99

    guitar rig 2 test.

    my interface's preamps no longer work, but my line ins work, so here's little song i put together using guitar rig 2 for the guitars and bass. i actually think it turned out pretty good. yes there are a few bass flubs, i left them in because i'm lazy...
  20. KeithRT99

    Bleed using emgs?

    i was doing some reamping a few days ago, and i was tracking my guitar to di, then i would reamp the di through my amp once i was happy with my takes. I started to notive that i could hear a little bit of drums on the di tracks. it was most prominent when i wasn't playing, and when the strings...