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  1. Chamet

    Recent purchases

    Since most boards have a "Recent purchases" thread, I thought we might as well have one too. I got my student loan last week, so I'll start with these :p Maltodextrin
  2. Chamet

    Most metal bird ever :kickass:
  3. Chamet

    In My Pants

    Another forum game. All you have to do is post the title of the song you're listening to and add "in my pants" to the end. e.g. An Angel's Funeral in my pants. I'll start it off... The Hero in my pants
  4. Chamet

    Help me, I need to be famous

    I'm writing an essay on what benefits computer games bring to society, and I need to gather information from different sources and different types of people, gamers and non-gamers. I've written a few questions that will help me gather some data, so please take a few minutes to answer them...
  5. Chamet

    Help me, I need to be famous

    What benefits do computer games bring to society? Arsham Askari What benefits, if any, do computer games bring on society? There seems to be a wide number of different views and opinions on this subject, ranging from negative to neutral to positive, but the important thing to keep in...
  6. Chamet

    Hey Look Zakk AKA Failure of threads was in the news! Epic.
  7. Chamet

    New Warmen album?

    My brother got an issue of Korg magazine today, I was going through it when I was a small column about Janne and his keyboards, and right at the end it says that he's gonna be working on a new Warmen album after the U.S tour...which has ended now. Here's a scan: I know Mr Wirman lurks...
  8. Chamet


    Priest, Megadeth and Testament :kickass: About time we got a good tour with no shit bands in the UK :D
  9. Chamet

    Sepultura, Soulfly or CC

    So, which band's your favorite? Sepultura (pre Roots), Soulfly or Cavalera Conspiracy? For me it's Sepultura, followed by CC and then Soulfly.
  10. Chamet

    New Metallica Song Very dissapointing in my opinion.
  11. Chamet

    Battle Of The Bands

    I'm basically copying this from the CoB forums, I thought it would be better to play it here since, unlike the CoB boards, we all have a pretty similar taste in music here :p The Rules I write 5 bandnames here and all 5 have 20 points each. The next player takes 2 points from one of the...
  12. Chamet

    I got an offer!

    from one of the universities I applied for :D finally all the hard work has paid off. I'm so damn happy right now. I'm not gonna accept it yet though :p I'm still waiting for the other university I applied for to reply, because it's a much better university anyway, I just thought I'd let you...
  13. Chamet

    I need your help

    For the next 3 weeks or so, I'm gonna need some opinions/criticism about my artwork, which will go towards my finals project. I need this in order to hit the criteria. I decided to work on surreal/fantasy landscapes and places for the project. I'm gonna create a series of images related to that...
  14. Chamet

    Hypocrisy - Catch 22 (V.2.0.08)

    I just read this bulletin posted by Nuclear Blast on myspace: If you look up “workaholic” in the dictionary, you’re sure to find a picture of Peter Tägtgren. Without a doubt he’s one of the busiest man in the metal scene. Despite his status as a top producer and...
  15. Chamet

    The Hello I'm New Thread

    I noticed that you guys haven't got an introduction thread, so I decided to make one :p I was gonna post in a few threads but then I thought "their gonna think who the fuck is this guy :err:" :lol: anyway, my name is Arsham, I'm 17 and I live in England. I'm not new to UM, but to the...
  16. Chamet


    My old account has finally been unbanned :D almost 2 years have passed since I got banned :p For those who don't know I am Arsham (skinweld ( ))and this is my old got banned because of a forum war... If you don't care, good...
  17. Chamet

    Alexi on The Bruce Dickinson Friday Rock Show

    You can listen to it here Just heard Alexi saying This is Alexi from Children of Bodom and you're listening to The Bruce Dickinson Friday Rock Show...or something along that :p
  18. Chamet

    Metropolitan Police Careers website hacked XD I find it hilarious :lol:
  19. Chamet

    Music used to torture prisoners in Iraq They used Deicide :O :lol: and the Barney theme song.
  20. Chamet

    Animals in Death Metal?

    Someone posted this vid on myspace in a bulletin: I was reading the comments and it turns out there is a band who use dogs as vocalists :lol: and there's also a band who use a parrot as their vocalist XD here are the links to them...