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  1. Peterk

    Woods on new episode of CBC Radio 3 Full Metal Podcast

    By the Time You Read This (I will already be dead) on Full Metal Podcast #3 - Myths & Legends. Lots more Candian metal also featured. Download here
  2. Peterk

    Woods of Ypres on "The Governor's Ball"

    Check out the Interview with David and preview of the new album on The Governor's Ball ( \m/ \m/ Edit: The new track sounds good.
  3. Peterk

    New video clip is awesome!! :hotjump:
  4. Peterk

    Whats up guys???

    hey guys, whats happening?? kinda quite here and its been a while since the last update on the band. Plans for 2009?
  5. Peterk

    Opeth in Dubai FINALLY :kickass:
  6. Peterk

    Nervecell on other messageboards

    Heres one topic about them on this other messageboard i am on :kickass:
  7. Peterk

    New interview with Woods of Ypres-Trendcrusher Zine

    Here It will be included in Issue 3 of the Trendcrusher zine which should be out by end of this month.
  8. Peterk

    Woods of Ypres live-4th of July

    wish i could attend this gig.
  9. Peterk

    Interview with Trendcrusher zine

    you can find the interview i did with Paul for my zine here'sdoom :kickass: the zine should be out in print by June.will post details here when its all done.