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  1. musickey

    NAILS: "Abandon All Life"

    Any detail on this production would be great. Heres a link to "Gods Cold Hands"
  2. musickey

    Toontrack’s Metal Month is back "- I can honestly say that this year we have a few of the most unique releases ever, said Mattias Eklund, Toontrack’s co-founder and Head of Sound Design. Without disclosing too much, there will be sounds designed by one of the world’s...
  3. musickey

    Xibalba Hasta La Muerte Guitar tones

    What up fellas, forgive if its already been discussed. Does anyone have info on what was used on Hasta La Muerte, guitar and bass tones?
  4. musickey

    Deliver Us From Evil

    My buddies from my hometown just released a new vid from their new album. Mark Lewis mixed. Think it turned out killer.
  5. musickey

    Amp Slaving questions

    Getting ready to start a new project, and i remember a few posts talking about slaving amps which interested me. I want to give this technique a try, but im afraid i might burn an amp up. Did find a post from crillemannen, that explains it a bit. Guess my question is, Regardless of amp that...
  6. musickey

    Ibanez M8M - Meshuggah

    If this has already been posted...please delete
  7. musickey

    Chameleon Labs 7720 and FP 10 HELP

    Hey fellas I have a problem im hoping someone can help me resolve. Im mixing a couple projects at the moment, and im having issues with running my CL 7720 as an external FX insert in nuendo. The problem is, On the 2 bus, when the CL is inserted the L & R channel level varies, ex left side is...
  8. musickey

    Brutal/Tech Death, Mix help

    Need any and all mix advice on this one....I recorded the band, and originally they were going to have Chris Wisco mix/master, but funds ran dry even though its a label release :cool: Anyway thanks for the listen, and yes that is a snare drum and not a roto tom lol The drummer is adamant about...
  9. musickey

    RIP Macho Man Randy Savage

  10. musickey

    New Decapitated! - drum tracking info

    Dont know if its been posted yet.....I am pumped!
  11. musickey

    Need help with Cubase tempo layout

    I have searched to no avail….My question is this. In the Cubase tempo layout window how can you select and move multiple time signatures and tempo changes simultaneously? Basically I have a song that has already been mapped out, but there were a few measures left out, and I cant figure out how...
  12. musickey

    From Exile / NIN Covers EP

    Cant wait to hear this. hope they do some more videos of the making of as well!
  13. musickey

    Opinions on interfaces Mackie/Presonus

    What do you guys think about the Mackie Onyx Blackbird as far as the pre's and AD converters, vs the presonus interfaces? I have had the FP10's for along time and think im ready to change it up, and can get a good deal on the Mackie's.
  14. musickey

    Programmed drums MIDI tempo changes

    Needs some help fellas. I got around to showing my drummer how to program drums within Nuendo, my problem is my drummer has a full song programmed but some off the tempo's are off a few BPM within the song, and i cant figure out how to adjust the tempo for one spacific section without it...
  15. musickey

  16. musickey

    Cephalic Carnage - Ohrwurm video

    Please delete if this has been posted. Just amazing....:yow:
  17. musickey

    The Social Network Trent Reznor, Atticuss Ross

    I know there are some Reznor fans here, and i happen to be a big fan of Atticuss Ross. They created the soundtrack for The Social Network, and there is a free sampler for DL on this site. Thought some of you might dig
  18. musickey


  19. musickey

    Peavey Ampkit for iPhone

  20. musickey

    Routing external FX in your DAW

    I want to use an outboard comp for parallel drum compression. I have setup the option to create an external FX bus in cubase 5 with the correct send and return channel assignments. This is where I think im screwing up, I create a group track (drum group), insert the external comp on that...