Search results

  1. Little Linda (2)

    Any Helloween Fans In Here?

    Ha ha, sily question eh? We're running a competition to give away 2 full copies of their new album if anyone's interested. If you are full details can be found at ... Cheers! LL :rock:
  2. Little Linda (2)

    Any Helloween fans out there?

    Ha ha, sily question eh? Just wanted to drop you a note to say we're running a competition to give away 2 full copies of their new album if anyone's interested. If you are full details can be found at ... Cheers! LL :rock:
  3. Little Linda (2)

    Any Helloween fans out there?

    Ha ha, silly question eh? Just wanted to drop you a note to say we're running a competition to give away 2 full copies of their new album if anyone's interested. If you are full details can be found at ... Cheers! LL :rock:
  4. Little Linda (2)

    Thunderground anyone?

    Just wondered if anyone was going to the Thunderground Festival in Nottingham? No surprises here, we'll be there! lol. :goggly:
  5. Little Linda (2)

    Threshold for FF4 ...

    ... rumours abound that Threshold will be appearing at Firefest 4 ... word from the horses mouth so to speak ... well Nuclear Blast press release saying it's a go ... Hope it's true! :notworthy
  6. Little Linda (2)

    New gig review from Paris (in English!)

    :rock: Thanks to our very own Rory we have another review of the Paris gig and you don't even have to translate it cos it's in English. The review can be found here - ... and if you're anything like me it will make you even more green...
  7. Little Linda (2)


    Anyone heard any of the new Domain stuff? I know it's not out officially till next month but know that some of you folks get pre-release copies? The only snippet I've found so far is here ... Sounds canny...