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  1. wyrm


    Will any of these bands with the great Mr. Wead on guitars release an album somewhere in the near future ????
  2. wyrm


    Ark is back ! ! ! Best Prog news in years! :notworthy Now bring them to PP2011 (you're right, that's not a question :lol:) More info:
  3. wyrm

    This Haven

    What? No This Haven topic yet?? Unbelievable! This band plays a unique mix of Progrock/metal, groovemetal, stoner,...... They released their first album in 2008 and made it easily in my list of favorite albums of that year. I've heard some samples of their new album on youtube and I think...
  4. wyrm

    Your UNrealistic dream-lineup for 2009

    Just for a laugh, which bands are VERY unlikely to play @ PP2009? I'll start: 1) Savatage. I don't think they'll ever play a show again. 2) Dream Theater. The obvious choice, too big. 3) Hexenhaus. There are rumours of a reunion and even a new album on vic records, but PP2009? I don't...
  5. wyrm


    Allthough their latest album "Warring Factions" was released almost a year ago, I would like to bring this band to your attention. Ansur plays a very unique kind of progmetal that you really should check out. Try the opening track of Warring Factions; "The Tunguska Incident". A track that shows...
  6. wyrm

    Ansur wants to join the party!

    I've been talking to the guys of Ansur the last few weeks and they REALLY want to play at PP 2009! To me, they've made the best progressive album of 2008! They thought that PP2009 was fully booked, I convinced them to send in a promo package, and they did send it in the mail today! Rene...
  7. wyrm


    Long time reader, first time poster.... First of all; I think it's great to see there's is a place where all SA fans can gather and share their love for this great music.....and of course wait for the second comming of SA! I recently discovered the band Ansur. I know for sure that most/all...
  8. wyrm


    Hello, Is it true that there will be another Hexenhaus album and that it will be released by Vic? Grt, wyrm
  9. wyrm

    Tommy Lamey demos

    Where are they? I read some cool stuff about it, but couldn't find them.....Is it possible to host it somewhere?? Rock on!:kickass: