Search results

  1. scorpio01169

    Guitar Center

    So I’m going through some shit with Guitar Center. I decided to get a new bass guitar and for the second time in my life instead of picking a bass off the wall I decided to order the exact bass I wanted from the Guitar Center website. It’s shipped to me and almost immediately noticed that the...
  2. scorpio01169

    State of metal 2016

    Ok guys, we have discussed this many times in the past, but let's talk about a different aspect of metal aside from production. About the state of metal as far as writing and what the fans are looking for. When I listen to old bands, I kinda want to hear what made me like them in the first...
  3. scorpio01169

    Photoshop skills?

    Anyone here good at changing hair color in photoshop? I did a photoshoot for a model using green screen. The models hair is blue but what she didn't tell me me was the hair die she used has a tint of green in it and the Keying software is use keyed out the green turning her hair purple. I tried...
  4. scorpio01169

    R.I.P Frank Watkins

    Sad news to hear the bassist passed away.
  5. scorpio01169


    Older Peavey 5150 straight $159.00 or Marshall MG 412a $199.00 both used. What would you choose?
  6. scorpio01169

    Evilbay strikes again

    I bid on and won a Bugera 333XL infinium on eBay. The auction ended around 1 am Thursday, so when I woke up the next morning I was surprised that I won but paid for the amp. Friday morning the funds cleared my bank, I get a message from the seller this morning (Sunday), that he will be shipping...
  7. scorpio01169

    Band criticism

    Ok a band I recorded a demo for a few months back against my advice decided to go on the local rock radio show that has a segment called "bad ass or suck ass" where they play a song from a local band and callers call in and give their opinions on the band. I gave them minimal production for $300...
  8. scorpio01169

    Cymbal upgrade? Attention drummers

    I've had cheap zildjian cymbals for my studio kit for years and it's time for me to upgrade. For the drummers or engineer that have a favorite cymbal to record, if you go into a studio what brand of cymbal do you get excited to record? I'm at a crossroads between Zildjian or Sabian. I have heard...
  9. scorpio01169

    Band demo

    No click track, Drums tracked while guitarist played along guitars recorded with a Line 6 Spider IV 75 Bass DI and mic'ed Vocals quickly done
  10. scorpio01169

    1x12 modeler vs tubed head 4x12 cab

    I know people say that the line 6 pod is crap compared to a peavey 5150 into a 4x12 cab and I agree, but has anyone ever done a comparison between say a line 6 spider 1x12 combo mic'ed vs a tubed amp head into a 4x12 cab mic'ed? There's a video out with Jeff Loomis playing a spider IV 75 And...
  11. scorpio01169

    Pay to play?

    A friend in I did a video shoot for a band at a fest today that had four local bands and Krokus as the headliner.All the local bands had to sell a certain amount of tickets and I get that. But what happened after every local band played is what I don't understand. Once the band was done, they...
  12. scorpio01169

    Demo work?

    I gave a friend of mines son a great rate of $300 for a 6 song demo. I explained to them that I would basically be recording live, minimal overdubbing and little to no editing. But now these guys are wanting special effects and editing to fix the parts they messed up on. My question to you guys...
  13. scorpio01169

    Mixer for Metallicas IJFA wanted to knock Lars out.... Somehow I believe this guy.
  14. scorpio01169

    Cradle of Filth vs Dream Theater

    I know they are way two different bands but listen to the beginnings of both songs and tell me they don't sound as if DT was kinda biting.
  15. scorpio01169

    Ugh What to do?

    I had a guy ask me to record his band a month ago, so I gave him my price and said he and his band are willing to pay that. So skip to last night, he calls me saying they are ready to record. I ask him to send me a demo of a song they wanna record and I'll layout the click track and tempo...
  16. scorpio01169

    Video monitoring

    What is a good video monitoring system for visual contact from the vocal booth into the control room?
  17. scorpio01169

    Scatch Tracks

    Saw this in another forum and thought I'd see what you guys do, Are you guys trying to nail the parts on the scratch track or does the performance on your ST not matter? Have you ever done a ST good enough to keep as the keeper track?
  18. scorpio01169

    Why can't music stores display decent shit?

    OK I know music stores get a little busy sometimes, but not busy enough to fix their showcase. Today I went to Sam Ash to try and find a new guitar and every guitar I picked up was out of tune and not set up, even the more expensive guitars were out of tune. I see two guys at the guitar counter...
  19. scorpio01169

    Amp volume?

    For those who are still mic'ing amps up, what volume are your amps set at when tracking? Are you cranking up just as you would at practice or are you cutting back the volume?
  20. scorpio01169

    Really??? this is nuts

    And the Christian right in American eats this shit up.