Search results

  1. Lincoln 6 Echo

    'Downburst' album cover

    I got to looking at the 'Downburst' cover again the other day and I came up with a theory, if you will, about what this cover concept looksd like to me. Is it perchance that this cover is somewhat, at least, loosely based on the Assassin's Creed video game?
  2. Lincoln 6 Echo

    New Megadeth video for "A Tout Le Monde"

    Don't know if you've all seen it yet, but the Roadrunner Records site has a new video up for Megadeth's new version of "A Toute Le Monde" featuring Cristina Scabbia of Lacuna Coil. It's beautiful man, brought a tear to my eye. Neat twist to an old classic 'Deth song.
  3. Lincoln 6 Echo

    What's your favorite sub-genre(s) of metal?

    I know this question probably been asked several times on this board, but I'm just curious as to what seems to be the most popular sub-genre of metal these days amongst of course the members of this board.
  4. Lincoln 6 Echo

    Need some advice: What band should I buy next?

    OK, first of all, I'm a fairly recent CD/MP3 convert (from cassettes), so my CD collection is rather small compared to what I had collected on cassettes for nearly 18 years. I've rebought several of my old band catalogs that I used to have like: METALLICA, MEGADETH, TESTAMENT, IRON MAIDEN...
  5. Lincoln 6 Echo

    New MEGADETH album on 5.08.07

    Don't know if there's any remaining MEGADETH fans around, but their new album United Abominations (a play on the words "United Nations") will be released on May 8th, 2007. It'll include the Gears of War song, which actually sounds pretty good in MP3 form, rather than YouTube form. ;) I'm...
  6. Lincoln 6 Echo

    Brainstorm more Thrash than Power Metal?

    I may be wrong, but isn't Power Metal supposedly more double-bass and keyboard driven than what Brainstorm typically does? Listening to their albums, I get a bit more of that Thrash riff vibe to them. Or at least that chunking guitar sound. Which I guess isn't quite thrash, but it isn't all...
  7. Lincoln 6 Echo

    Where's the Brainstorm forum?

    If we have a Symphorce forum here, why don't we have a forum for Andy B. Franck's other band, Brainstorm?
  8. Lincoln 6 Echo

    Any word on a new Testament studio album?

    Hi all, I've just recently gotten back into Testament and I haven't been following their progression since, oh, back in the Demonic days. Anyway, I have just replaced my cassette collection with CDs with the addition of Gathering and First Strike Still Deadly (Demonic is on backorder...