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  1. Sonic75


    Hi guys Sonic Temple Studio (Salerno, Italy) is offering the following online services: - Mixing - Mastering - Editing (vocals tuning - drums quantization) - Reamping - Drums programming Contacts:
  2. Sonic75

    Kemper engl profiles

    Hello Which is the best engl kemper profiles (mainly savage) in the market according to your opinion? (ie Accept) Thanx
  3. Sonic75

    genelec 1031a vs focal twins

    hi I would like to buy a new pair of monitors together my quested vh3208 and ns 10 and i'm considering 1031a or twins. I should have the possibility to test the genelec that are surely cheaper (used). I would like to know what do you think about the two models and if someone compared them...
  4. Sonic75

    Distortion on bass

    Hello, what do you use to apply distortion on your bass guitar when you need it? Actually I use Psa plugin or hardware but I'd like to test something different. Thank you
  5. Sonic75


    Hi guys, what about FXpansion BFD2? Vs Superior Drummer? Usually I do the samples by myself or use Slate drums, but I'd like to try something new. thank you
  6. Sonic75

    Reamp box - DI

    Hi, what do you use to split the signal between direct and amp when recording bass or gtrs (if you do it of course!)? Where can I find in Europe the reamp box V2? Thank you
  7. Sonic75

    Best drum samples?

    Hello, I have the drum samples from SSD and I like them very much. Are there some other very good libraries in wav/aiff format? Above all Rock/Metal stuff...of course Thank you
  8. Sonic75

    Compressor for bass

    Hi, which type of compressor do you use for really speed bass parts to keep them firm through the song? Plug in or outboard, anything that works really well! I have the distressor that is ok but I would like to know what do you use! Thank you :flame:
  9. Sonic75

    Lowpass filter

    Hello, usually in mastering do you use to cut the freq after 18/20khz? Thanx
  10. Sonic75

    Guitars equalizer

    Hello, which eq do you use on guitars? Plugs or outboards Thank you
  11. Sonic75

    Recording guitars

    Hi, when I record the guitars tracks usually I ask the musicians to play 4 times (or two it depends!) the parts with two different sounds, different instruments etc (A & B) and then I put AB on one side and AB on the other. Do you do in the same way?
  12. Sonic75

    A question for Andy

    Hello Andy, first of all congratulations for your works!! Above All Exodous that I find amazing!| A curiosity: Do you use Alan Smart Compressor C1 or C2? And Why one and not the other? On your site there is the image of C1 but on the forum many say C2. I'd like to buy an old SSL but for...
  13. Sonic75

    Snare/kick compressor

    Which is your favourite comp for snare, kick and drum sub? For rock/metal stuff, of course!
  14. Sonic75

    Comp for mix/mastering

    Hi, I'm new of this forum. I'd like to buy a comp for mix and above all mastering. I'd like to take one of the following: AS C2 SSL g series (I read that the old is better bat it's not easy to find) Tubetech (multiband) Gyraf X Crane Song STC8 Any suggests? or other solutions? of...